Chat Thread

He rests with one eye open on His bed of nails, made from the forged tears of trolls and scammers, forged in the darkest fires of Abaddon’s furnaces… :slight_smile:


Yeah, I got ya, Chef. I’m glad you’ve got someone to talk to.

My girlfriend is in customer service, so the last thing she wants to do at night is hear me rambling on about this or that experience. lol


Abbadon a tall fucking dude. Great guy from what I hear :slight_smile:


The skype group is still going, at least one or two people are on every day. The voice chats have been rare as of late do to scheduling.

@Lady_Eva from what I have gathered, what I believe you are referring to has died down, now that a few months have passed.

I myself am not on at the moment, because I have to free up space on my phone.


It makes a lot of sense to use this thread for text chats, but I really miss a good voice chat. The Skype group really helped me when I first came here, struggling to make sense of my own experiences.

I’ve got some time to kill. Anything interesting anyone wants to chat about?

Hell yeah-

Whats the most impressive magickal feat youve accomplished that youre willing to chat on?

I guess that really depends on your definition of “impressive”.

I’ve completely changed my entire life through magick and I’m continually “lining up the dominos” to reach my long-term goals, so that’s impressive to me.

But I think what you’re getting at is “big flashy magick”. Honestly, I’m more of a subtle guy. A little nudge here, a little nudge there.

For me, the most impressive thing was curing my ex-wife’s fibromyalgia completely through magick. She suffered with it for over 20 years and experienced agonizing and debilitating pain.

That was almost a year ago and it’s still completely gone. She went from needing 8 strong pain pills a day to about half to one pain pill a day for her rheumatoid arthritis.

You’d be more interested with my recent attempts at mind control, though. hehe I’m working on my technique, but I’ve had 2 succsses and 1 failure with it so far. Simple stuff, but it’s very unlikely to have went that way on it’s own.

How about you?


Woah- that is really impressive

Im not really looking for flashy so much as hard practicality-

let me think…

Literally changing the past, making something be there that wasn’t there before, the rest of the world adjusted around it but we know. It was me and my old man, it involved sex magick, and I can’t share more detail, but I did it again recently.

Also, last year I went to war on “god,” aka the desert troll god of the Abrahamic faiths, doing a group working with offline friends and also some people on here: this had been part of my work anyway, but it got serious last year with a big showdown) and now, I’m working to smash the barrier of death, next March I intend to resurrect (what precise form that will take, TBC) ALL the murdered witches, psychics, and other people killed by the various churches over the centuries for having contact with spirits and magickal powers, and that’s already starting to create ripples in my life, when I acquired and integrated (mostly! lol) an entire personality via a past life who’d been murdered for witchcraft a few centuries ago.

Somewhat related, I just proposed on another thread a joint European/African alliance to evoke forth those who were murdered and their bloodlines ended through Islamic slavery that results in castration of tend of millions of both black and white men and boys who were enslaved (often itself causing death through shock and loss of blood), by doing a joint evocation of the ancestors and channelling their rage and loss, so currently my work is based on concepts of ancestry, also the kind of “over-soul” or Higher Self, that which remains alert and aware through many incarnations.

Oooh, bit long for chat, soz - anyway them’s my most ambitious works done and plans to do, right now. :slight_smile:


Wow, Eva. Talk about an overachiever. Make the rest of us look bad, why don’tcha? :wink:

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Well, on the topic of healing through magick Id say fixing some problem I never had diagnosed, but essentially my gut would swell up with gas in my large intestine, kidney inflamation, probably more- used evocation to fix it

Just curious- how did you cure your ex wifes fibromyalgia?

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Damn, do you forsee that taking form in resurection of their knowledge, as astral entities we can learn from? Maybe their influence leading to a rise in people seeking out magick?

@Lady_Eva … BTW, my own UPG tends to suggest I’m joining that particular battle myself very soon. It was always a long term goal, but it seems like the time is here.

@Aethad_Heldint … that’s cool. I’m glad it worked for you.

I created a healing talisman in a joint working with Raphael for her, but it really wasn’t doing much for her pain.

One day, I had an image of her chakras covered in nasty insect-like parasites pop into my mind. I realized they were parasites because I’ve had my own issues with them in the past.

I started working with Raphael on a ritual for her and I posted here about it. Velotak private messaged me and told me there was another entity behind the parasites.

I verified it with Raphael and got confirmation, so I evoked him and Belial together to work on the ritual with me. It turned out to be more of an exorcism than anything.

I would say that was my first real undeniable success that couldn’t be explained away. I’ll never forget the amount of power flowing through me that day. I was channeling so much power that day that I had to lay down for a few hours later because it made my lower back start cramping.

I think I’ve still got the ritual on my hard drive somewhere, if you want me to send it to you.


That would be amazing, thank you!

No problem. I’ll get it over to you through a PM.

Ok, I sent it.

Has anyone ever told you that you’re a badass, Eva? I think we should start calling you “The Trollslayer” around here. :slight_smile:


@Aethad_Heldint … the really big stuff I’m trying to do, I’ll never talk about. It’s something that will take years of work to accomplish and I’ve learned the hard way about over-sharing and people interfering, intentionally or otherwise, with your workings.

What type of stuff are you interested in?