Chasing The Void

So - I’ve been working a lot with void meditation. And to say the least, the more void you get into, the more there is to void.

Subtleties begin to arise, the deeper you go, the more you realize there is something else even more subtle to clear out.

I’ve been playing with different versions of this, and different ways to get the void.

The easiest, but most basic method I’ve found, is the projection of your will power to kick everything out of your conscious thought space. You’re still aware of your body, your eyes are still picking up the fuzzy blackness in front of them, and your ears are still quite aware of every little sound that passes it’s vibration through the thick air around your head into your death metal damaged ear drum.

I’ve begun to see the thought space as a literal 3D sphere around the head. There are minute vibrations that kindle ripple through the surface, maybe you catch a glimpse of an emotion, or a color, or the feeling of a specific person - but if you kick it out before it forms, it will quit and return to the smooth black surface of the sphere. If, however, you give it attention and avoid stopping it from forming, it will swell and develop into a sort of bubble - stretching inward toward your thought space. Sooner or later, it will pop and separate from the “thought-void” membrane and enter fully into your thought space as a full, living color, thought.

I have played with separating each sense. So - audio thoughts only. Let the imagery come, let the sense of touch come, but kick out all audio.
Or kick out vision only.
Separating the senses has shown some interesting things. Like, how sight and sound are connected. How each sense works, etc.
There are several oddities associated with dividing the sense up in this manner.

There also exists a void space where you are relaxed, but have mastered the “willed void” to such a degree that you use very little energy keeping thoughts out. This state allows you to dive deeper into a trance without having to re-surface due to an upsurge of will - or - a better definition is a forced upsurge of will.
I’ve been in and out of this state - it’s extremely calming and relaxing when you get it going. But the second you let a thought in, it fucks it all up.

The third one, I’ve only heard of and not yet experienced is, is the absolute void of all input. Thoughts AND sensory input alike. I think this is the base goal of void meditation - or at least it seems.

I’ve also noticed several different types of thoughts. It’s strange where these little fuckers some from. There seems to be different “regions”, if that’s even the term to use, from which thoughts derive their existence. The one thing I have noticed though, is that ALL thoughts are based in emotion. The very first thing to swell up is some sort of emotion or complex geometry OF emotions. Once that is established (it seems to be the “id” for the thought database), then the thought begins to take on attributes, such as colors, shapes, the sense of certain people, etc. Once a basic embryonic thought is formed, then it grows into a “still picture” thought - one which contains the essence of the thought to be addressed. Either a person or a place or a situation, etc. Once the still picture is in place - it takes on the full living color, motion picture, 3D thought form as becomes 100% active in the thought space.

I’m still trying to hammer this all out. But this is the accumulation of about 3 months of void experimentation (I know, a lot of work for so little info) but that’s just how slow I am :stuck_out_tongue: heh

Hope this helps in some way, if not, I hope this was at least somewhat interesting.



ps - I’ve also noticed as of late, stealth attack thoughts. I don’t know yet how to exactly describe these except that I don’t know I’ve had them until they finish, then I have some odd, faint recollection of a thought that has just stolen a chunk of thought space without my detecting it. Very frustrating yet very interesting. Little motherfuckers though, piss me off each time.

From what I’ve read and understood of the Gurdjieff school of thought is right on with what you said about emotions coming before thought. The emotional centre is much, much faster than the intellectual center. Can’t help but seeing your results of void meditation as a good example of this. I like the how you described the thought space as a 3D sphere around the head. Very interesting. Apparently there is the so called sexual center that is even faster at responding than the emotions. Do you have any thoughts on this from your practice, DK?


I haven’t noticed that. But that’s very interesting. I wonder if it’s a frequency thing. Do you have a source for this information? I’d be interested in checking it out. The Egyptians were way into sexual energy and responses. I wonder, since sexual energy is basically the energy of creation, if it is the primary fluctuation, or the very first layer of internal response. I’ll do some work with this and let you know what I conclude. Thanks for that tid-bit of info, it could very well end up being really important in void meditation as well as other applications.

“I wonder, since sexual energy is basically the energy of creation, if it is the primary fluctuation, or the very first layer of internal response”

I think you are on the right track for sure and I cannot remember exactly where I read it but it was either Ouspensky’s book, “The Fourth Way” or Girard Haven’s, “Creating a Soul”.

I’m pretty sure it was also due to the instinctive drive of the human species to procreate to why it responds so rapidly. The way I remember it being written was something like, you automatically know on first sight with another person of the opposite sex (or in some cases the same sex )whether or not you find someone attractive or not. Whether the instinctive lustful drive is there or is absent. This seems to happen before emotion and way before thought. It’s a stirring in the sexual center well before any conscious awareness of any emotional feeling. It also relates to the idea that all social interaction at the basic level relates to sex. There is a constant sexual undercurrent happening often outside our basic awareness.

Hope that helps, DK. I’ll send you a link via PM.

[quote=“DK The Mage, post:1, topic:411”]So - I’ve been working a lot with void meditation. And to say the least, the more void you get into, the more there is to void.

Subtleties begin to arise, the deeper you go, the more you realize there is something else even more subtle to clear out.

Like an endless onion…

You actually use the heart for things like telepathy. The heart itself is like a place of emotion. It also contains brain cells and transmitters. So in a way you can “think” with your heart. I guess that’s a good way to emotionally charge your thoughts.

Telepathy is more like clairvoyance I think. It has a lot to do with feeling and is much more than “talking to someone in your head.”

Ive had pleadians and even a demon telepathically communicate me once and even though i was getting a message what stood out more was the “feeling I felt.”

Carl Jung went into some detail about the nature of thought complexes which sounds lke the ideas you have put forward DK. In the Two Essays on Analytical Psychology he called them something like ‘feeling toned thought complexes’ and said that once established they could form a semi autonomous existence within the subconscious of the individual.

I have often wondered with an occult perspective whether the essential nature of our mind is to create our reality by creating an collection of semi autonomous thought complexes (another way of saying astral/ethereal beings) linked to us but which are not us. They are so ‘not us’ that Jung gives an example of a man in analysis who had a thought complex that was willing him to step out into space and kill himself (he was a mountaineer). A year on the man ‘fell’ to his death while climbing, which event he had forseen in his dreams. In this way everybody creates the reality around them constantly by empowering the thought forms which they create which go off and work either for or against them…Just a theory of mines…

If so a very good reason to guard our thoughts well and learn to control them better!

@DK…I am curious when you say you have begun to pay attention looking at the sphere around the head where the thoughts are going to…

Have you attempted to move your consciousness to a place about 5 to 10 foot away and look at those same manifestations and attempted to control or eliminate them from that angle as you are detached from them at that point…if so, what is the difference in being able to control them from say inside that bubble and from the distance away from your physical body in the astral?


[quote=“Maxx, post:9, topic:411”]@DK…I am curious when you say you have begun to pay attention looking at the sphere around the head where the thoughts are going to…

Have you attempted to move your consciousness to a place about 5 to 10 foot away and look at those same manifestations and attempted to control or eliminate them from that angle as you are detached from them at that point…if so, what is the difference in being able to control them from say inside that bubble and from the distance away from your physical body in the astral?


The bubble is more of a metaphor that I’ve constructed to visualize what is going on. It’s more of a crutch right now for understanding how this happens. I haven’t yet delved into the metaphor to try to operate from the outside, mostly because I’ve been trying to get into a state of direct understanding and control. It’s definitely one of the toughest meditation requirements I’ve ever taken on.

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If you get into " the void" is it usual to start experience energy or some sort of pressure in third eye? I guess it’s part of the business?


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I do void meditation and from doing void meditation I have gotten better at void meditation where I lose consciousness and I’m not aware of anything and then a noise or I wake up from it or a not conscious astral projection happens and I get woken up out of it

Just stay silent and don’t pay attention to everything and stay present until you lose awareness