Chaos, Destruction and possible Death Magick against a group

Hey family good day. I got a simple question here. I’d like a group of specific people and named targets suffer great losses, or even harm to each other. I feel this is kind dangerous since ive never done this, but I will each call onto Forcalor, Raum, Gaap and other baneful. Like 5 of them to cause chaos to this group of people. I have the hard copy of DOM book I think i will do Ritual 2 for each of the 5, then do bid them that they work, idk how will they go. Anything to add or say, fam? Thanks for the safe place to practice online

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Like, idk, tried keeping quiet and focusing on what is good, then they butted in to my quiet life again. I never wanted to use magick this way, but they made me want to. I’m gonna do a one time big time, all the person involved gets a dose of what I can actually do. I lived in silence then they fuck with my peace again. Sorry fam but I want to rant or atleast any recommendations, lol :rofl:. These god dang people are getting to my nerves :rofl:

Why not just use the 5 of Wands tarot card as a trend with the perps’ names as your target? You can easily put that on a radionic machine program and run it at will, it’s a dead simple working.

I don’t see the point in calling every demon under the sun to do one simple thing.


Damn! Thats way too easy than expected! Thank you! I will add up some of my own style as well. Thank you @theheirophant !

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I am not well acquainted with alternative functions of tarot cards. Can you elaborate on how the five of wands effects targets?
Also, is there a variation of this technique that does not require a radionics device?

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