Chant for Luck and Fortune

Oh Fortuna
Bless me and my rolls, my dice and my life.
Forever and ever, Amen.

With this chant I have made almost $2k in a single day and its use is simple. Whenever you experience good luck of any sort simply speak it aloud or in your mind and visualize rolling dice to a nat 20.

If you find money on the ground even a penny do so, if you get something free do so, if you catch a lucky break do so and as the energies build up your luck will continue to grow and your mental dice will gain more influence.

The use of a prayer structure is intentionl to tap into that kind of power but also because the two Hebrew words contain specific power that aids in this. YHVH gives a universal power and Amen is traditionally based on a sealing of a command as so shall it be. Tapping into these fields of power and belief only make it all the stronger.


What does this mean? Sorry english is not my first language
Is just chanting enough and whenever i get something even the smallest thing from this chant i should be grateful?

I didnā€™t get what is nat 20

Maybe this work with visualising two dices on Six???
In my country this is what means ā€œhaving luckā€ at a common game :relieved:

It is a reference to Dungeons and Dragons and other table top roleplaying games where you often use 20 sided dice and rolling 20 is the best possible roll you can get and counted as an automatic success or critical hit in most circumstances.

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What can i do instead of it? Is gratitude enough? Whenever i feel like magic gave me something?
Or i need to learn the thing u said

I understood it finally interesting.
So the rolling dice on 20 represents more growth in that direction which in this case is ā€˜more luck and moneyā€™ awesome
Thanks for sharing this