Challenge by EA

Day 49/90 to 71/90 of working with Lucifer (Oct 11 to Nov 02, 2023)
Rituals done: Invocation, litany of Lucifer, small prayers during the day, petitions, meditations, offerings

I’m still doing basically the same kind of work every day, but changing the content of my offerings. I’m not getting a lot of changes in my financial life, but I’m getting a lot of opportunities to study and learn for free. I’m also focusing more on learning runes and improving my divination abilities with classic Tarot, Le Normand, and witches’ runes.

With Lilith, I’m working on self-love and self-care. A lot of beauty and health routine activities are dedicated to her, from simple skincare to pilates workouts. I don’t wear her necklace everyday anymore because I was feeling uneasy with the attention and when people started to approach me to talk I felt a kind of panic. So now I only wear it when I’m in need of something and could use some help.

I feel like now I can hold a conversation in person with strangers for a little while, but not without feeling a bit awkward, so I’m working on this too. A cousin and a niece are helping me with this. They are way younger and eager to help, so although I feel overwhelmed sometimes, I’m truly grateful that they are taking their time to “teach me” how to be more comfortable around people I don’t know.

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Hello everyone I am hoping to start working with Mammon to build wealth. I am launching a dating website any ideas?

Day X/90 of working with Mammon to build wealth
Rituals done: XXX
What i noticed: XXXX

Should I post here or make another thread/ journal?

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Hello @Ana333!

Do what you feel is good for your challenge. I’m very curious about Mammon and Wealth Magick, never worked with him before, so I will for sure follow your journal. I wish you good luck and keep posting!

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I will make a journal and post the link here otherwise I am gonna lose track

This is the link to my journal.
I am open to suggestions :blush:

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Things are not so good and I lost my business partner. It’s just me now.

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Well, I completed the challenge earlier this week, but I continued doing meditations, prayers, and offerings and I guess I will continue to work with Lucifer for a while. Also, Lilith helped me a lot with charisma, self-love, and self-care and I plan to keep working with her to overcome past trauma and social anxiety.

During those 90 days, a lot changed in my life, myself, and my practice. I started this focused on guidance to better the financial/wealth/business aspect of my life and ended up re-modeling my primary business and gaining a better knowledge of what my mistakes were, I lost my business partner and that showed me he was not necessary at all and I could do it myself, and I built another business from scratch. I still have not launched it yet because I’m working on my catalog and finishing some aspects of my new brand, but I’m happy with what I have accomplished so far by myself, without relying on others.

About my practice, I was found by my biological family which spiked my curiosity about ancestral magick and folk witchcraft. I was also given the opportunity to study for free with a “famous” Brazilian occultist and medium, so now I’m taking online classes on runes, witches’ runes, radionics, and Maria Padilha’s tarot (it’s a variation of the petit Lenormand oracle cards, actually). I was able to organize and build an area for altars and ritual practice and even acquired books and items for free. One of the books I was given (by an online colleague) was Success Magick by Damon Brand, and I’m planning on starting it next week and keep on going through the works the next year.

About Lucifer’s energy, it was very strong in the beginning, it made me shiver and sometimes shake during the first two weeks. I usually woke up with a masculine voice calling my name or even screaming when I tried to sleep during the mornings. As a result, I started waking up early every day. As time passed, I could hear him clearly when I was doing something wrong, and when I was on the right path I only had a feeling of approval. Sometimes he would put an opportunity in my way and I would dismiss it, he would straight up tell me I was missing out on something beneficial for me. My senses were not well developed, but now I can hear him sometimes, and to me this is huge. I cannot hear others, though, but I can have a better feeling now when I do evocations. Aphrodite is one that comes strong and almost knocks me down sometimes with her energy.

Lucifer also showed me the importance of banishing, cleansing, and performing protection rituals on my house, my things, and myself. I made a calendar to keep track of the rituals I should perform per week and I’m excited to buy a 2024 planner so I can organize next year as well.

My health improved, but that was because Lilith’s compelled me to work out, eat clean, and establish a minimum skincare routine (it’s only sunscreen, niacinamide, and a moisturizer). I went to a doctor and did a checkup and got some bits of advice too.

I felt awful some days, but soon after I would see things falling into place to benefit me. I don’t think I earned more money than I was used to, but I certainly got a lot of things for free and was able to correct my mistakes and start a business from scratch, which can be the thing that will bring me the boost I so much need in my financial life. And the development of my senses can help me too, for sure. So, all in all, I will keep working with Lucifer for a while. I’m gathering some infos about Lugh because I feel he would be a great force to work with, so maybe I will work with Lucifer until December and then move on to other mask of him. Let’s see.