
Hi, so I’d like to ask for some advice here, two days ago, I had a dream, and I remember this name being repeated, cernunos, I never remember names, or very rarely, and they usually mean nothing, but I woke up and instantly went on my phone to write it down to keep it somewhere, when I searched on the internet I found out that he’s maybe the Celtic god of forest ? Or vitality ? Every source says something different, and even searching his name here don’t really yield anything, so I’m curious, why did he contact me ? I don’t know him at all, never heard of him

No idea why he contacted you, that’s for you to find out. I would suggest working with him, and you will probably find out in the journey, and it will be very personal.

You are of course free to refuse this invitation if you like.

I pulled you a card and got “chariot” (Quareia deck) - this backs up my journey theory - the Chariot means you are about to embark on a very important journey.

Cernunos is similar to Pan, he is a god of Nature. I work with these on my gardening efforts.

I find has reliable well researched info on Celtic gods:
Cernnunos | Ancient Celtic God | Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids

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Wow ! That’s incredibly interesting to hear, especially the dream part, it resonates a lot, I remember seeing a man with horns in my dreams, but I’m afraid it might be false memories since reading up on him, all I know is that I’ve never heard he’s name memories

I read this before making the post The Man in Black
And it definitely made me feel a little uneasy about working with him for some reason, I felt like I wasn’t prepared enough, and might be vulnerable a this time, It felt like danger ? Even though I know how to protect myself, wether energetically or ritualistically, I don’t really know honestly, I’ll try to meditate on it and read what you sent and other sources to see what might be going on, I really enjoy walking in nature but haven’t done so in a while, might be worth meditating in the forest

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Yeah, the horns come from pagan deities being all about fertility of the herds that were the lifeblood of the community. Goats are horny and breed well and livestock is your primary source of wealth and how you survived the Winter, so it was natural to represent the gods of nature with something this important to your survival.

It was later when the new, aseptic religions, separated from the land, demonized the old gods, and that’s why demons that are supposed to be so “scary” have the horns of passive, herd animals not the teeth of predators :slight_smile: Its very taken out of context today but quite funny when you know.

Yes! Walking the land is an excellent way to connect with the old gods of Nature and letting them speak to you. Trying to grow something is also good, maybe a pepper or tomato in a pot of you have no land.

Re the devil and man in black stuff - yes that’s a later add on that bastardizes Pan and Cernunos into the whole “devil” trope. I don’t subscribe to those religions, so I don’t really care what they have to say and don’t pay a whole lot of attention: I see it as a later, garbled version and mostly fictional nonsense.

The Pan and Cernnunos I work with are virile, vigorous, very masculine Nature intelligences, and that works better with my energy than feminine Nature intelligences. As a gardener I am imposing and “inserting” (ahem) my Will into the land, and taking a masculine role there as much as a nurturing one. The Earth nurtures but the gardener controls. So getting help from masculine entities is helpful.

None of this has anything remotely to do with the “baby” JCI religions that came later and tried to stomp all over nature instead of working with it. Hence the devil is not relevant or related.

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Yeah my biases are showing :sweat_smile:, some people connect him to the origin of the devils image, and I guess that’s where I’m stuck at, funnily enough I planted a kumquat tree a week ago !
It’s filled with fruits, it makes my garden looks beautiful ! I only now realize that there have been signs for a long time now,

That’s a card I pulled that says look at the signs, a mere 15 seconds before a feather came trough the window on my leg, and I’ve been so shocked by that, I took a picture of it :rofl:, now that I see the literal representation of him in the middle i realize a few things !

Also, I’m still kind of stuck with old beliefs from the time I was Muslim and later Christian, so it’s hard for me to fully let go of the image of the deceiver and the one who lies and things like that, I feel like it’s fully anchored when working with the Goetia and the angels but it’s much much harder when it comes to Celtic, pagan, Wiccan, shamanic beliefs, I don’t really know why :skull:

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It’s so like that though: sometimes you only realise what the signs were after you figured it out. :smiley:


Cernunnos is mainly known as a god of the wild, protector of the forest and it’s inhabitants. The antlers or rather stag symbolism is connected to life, virility and life-cycles/ rebirth.

My (brief) personal experience is that it’s indeed a very wild and masculine energy, the wild part felt more like vast and unrelenting primordial wisdom than aggressiveness for me.

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Then I’ll definitely try to connect with him :pray: