Centipede Girl - help!

Hi there! I feel like I’ve been denying my gifts since I was a child because I am freaked out at my own power/ how good i can be at magic and communication. I’ve found this forum because recently I’ve been visited by two centipedes. One on my natal Birthday in my bedroom before I went to sleep. And the other on my sober birthday by my bed when I woke up. I’ve been feeling highly connected to other realms as of late, and have been feeling a good presence around me. Can any of you please help me figure out the meaning of this?


I legit googled “centipedes” to see if BALG is in the results. Turns out it isn’t, what a bummer!

What is your question exactly? What centipedes mean to you or the meaning of feeling connected with other realms?

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I’m curious if anyone else has experienced this. Or if centipedes possess some symbolism or message that I’m unaware of. I just find it strange that I happen to stumble upon them in my bedroom on such meaningful days! I don’t feel that this is a coincidence.

There is plenty of symbolism of centipedes available on the internet, but having only two show up, each on separate occasions, seems more like a coincidence to me than anything else.

From the description you gave, I get the impression that you might feel it isn’t a coincidence only because you noticed them on two occasions to which you attach personal significance.

Would you still feel the appearance of the centipedes wasn’t coincidental if they had happened on any other day?

Here is an older thread that may have some useful info for you:

@Anassa the thread I just linked came up in a Google search when I entered “centipede symbolism,” rather than just “centipede.”