Celebrity Love Spells, thoughts?

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Emma Watson? Really? I mean, yeah, I thought Hermione Granger was cute, but I think Emma a a person is just annoying. I’d do a spell to just get away from her.

Personally I have these thoughts.

  1. If I recall reading, Magick requires an avenue to work through. So, like, if I were to ask for a girlfriend, but I don’t shower, it’ll take a lot to make a spell work considering I’m not trying to meet it half way.

I mean, Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande were my highschool crushes. To even think I’d have a chance with them would be laughable. If I was a celebrity, would I fall for the female version of myself, even if she used Magick to make it happen? The answer is no. Or to the very least, she’s gotta override my free will to do it.

The social world is like business in that it operates off of the rule of supply and demand. The only difference is that you’re not selling a product. You’re selling yourself, your time, your attention, or in some cases your body. If you’re someone that other people want to spend time with, or fuck, you get to decide who is worthy of whatever attention they’re looking for. Or what someone has to do to get it. It is basic economics. Any onlyfans or Instagram model would know this.

  1. But to tell you the truth, I have NEVER felt the need to do that to a celebrity. At least not being serious about it. The fact is, I see that little crush I had on Miley and Ariana as being more symbolic than anything. I’m not into them perse. I’m into what they represent.

The fact is, I’m not into celebrities. They all kinda look alike. I may like a character they play, but for some reason, seeing them all dolled up for interviews just ruins the illusion. Like, Nami on the new one piece is hot, but when I look up the actress who plays her, she’s kinda…eh.

Idk why but I’m more into regular girls. Like some I see in my college, some I see at the gym, some I see at the bookstore, and just walking around. I like the different shapes and sizes they come in. And I’m not opposed to interracial dating either. :wink:

If I had the option of dating any celebrity of my choice as I am exclusively, or becoming someone who’d have girls clamoring for him, and therefore could have my pick of them, I’d take the latter any day.