Casting an evil eye curse

Hey there guys. I have somewhere in my notes an old ritual to cast the Evil eye upon a target. I have little time to look for it. Maybe one of you guys can help. It was something like: sessa ssessa sleighte tongue…



As far as I know, the best EEC can be done with your eyes concentrated on the target for a while with a strong feeling of jealousy or hate or even in some cases admiration.

On top of that, If you ever practiced psionics, use of some sort of light ( infrared even ) may increase the harm while shortening the time to see its harmful effects.

Also, you may destroy the target defenses so that he/she becomes more vulnerable, not only to your evil eye curse but also other’s people instant jealousy or hate, anger…


yes, Zamran is very correct on this one.
The focal point is them and your tools would have to be the eye. But I’m saying this; the evil eye is that one entity that people can abruptly emit to one another, most of them are unforeseen unless you have the ability to pick up the unwavering vibration beneath their facade or grin or some shit… there is also a catch 22 with the evil eye.

It’s a thought form created entity that is fuelled by too much wants. Too much wants become unhealthy. It is a destabiliser. That is when greed, envy, jealousy and all of this come to play… which is what a lot of Instagram super famous families or something alike aren’t probably aware of.


Well there is a ritual where you see the person, close the right eye and look at the target with the left eye. Than center on energy work with all the hate channeling it upon the target through the left hand and say a phrase.


To cast the Evil eye, say towards victim pointing with left hand:

"Sessa sessa sleyghte tongue
Thou flat skin gullet awreathing
Rentum Concisor Tormentum
Thy festement bit is flayed! "

Chao ab Ordo


@Rav to cast this curse do i need to have the 3rd eye or something or any influence from any demon or god goddess or anything?? and what happens to the victim if we cast them this curse

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This might seem off the wall to you Rav, but my family strongly believes in the evil eye, as they are Italian. What I was taught by my great grandmother, is this: ( Not that she did this, it was only explained) With a strong feeling of envy, hate, whatever towards a target, you make eye contact with that person feeling all those emotions, and give them a compliment, which is a guise for a curse and completely insincere, through the eyes and words you deliver the curse. When target accepts your compliment, they receive this curse. Which is why my family never accepts compliments lol


And the mallochio, yea theres that haha, aka the evil stink eye, mad dog lol


But what does the victim suffers after he/she has received the curse

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It depends on what you wish for them to suffer.

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Target gets to be sick and if has a weak protection the target dies.

You can curse a target even by looking through the left eye, with an angry look and vocalise without that anyone sees / hears you:

Rentum concissor tormentum

Ps: and center the vibration of the words to touch the victim and visualise the needed effect :wink:


bruh if someone sees me doing this, they will think i’ve gone mad xD