Cant have an altar, options?

In my past practice I had an altar at all times. It was set up with whatever I was working on. And if I was working on nothing specific it was set for the seasons and a general “honor” spot. I don’t have that luxury now. My living situation prevents me from practicing openly. I can’t have an altar, burn incense, or many other things that I would think I “needed” to do to practice. This is on of several reason that I am actually trying to become a more confident and powerful in my path. To call for help to remove myself for the situation I’m in.

What options do I have for evoking without an altar. I can do it outside, as I learned the demon I wish to contact likes sunshine and being outside. However, with that said I can’t do it in my own yard for obvious reasons. And if I create an altar somewhere else o can’t guarantee my offerings won’t be taken or messed with.

Has anyone dealt with this before? Options, ideas, anything is welcome.

astral altar works too, online altar works also.

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You can use pathworking, visionary magick imho


Use a candle and a sigil/ grimoire in a dark place, any will do.

Make a blindfold out of black material…

Wrap it around your head but don’t pull it over your eyes just yet…

Do whatever ritual you do normal up until it comes time to make the call-

At that moment, pull the blindfold down over your eyes- 

The image of the demons sigil should be there in your minds eye- at least for a minute…begin chanting the demons name/ enn…make your call

When the sigil disappears, let it go, keep chanting, and stare into the black…

I usually imagine a milky thread of liquid descending into black water- like a white thread… it’ll start swirling around and the demon can use it to form it’s shape…

Or, it might just show up on its own using one of its traditional forms…

Materials needed:
Sigil/ grimoire/ writing stuff for your notes
Dark place


Just a makeshift altar will do. Bring it in a bag with you with all your necessary items (which can’t be much I can imagine). A mobile-altar, what better way than your home, the lake then say the forest the next :slight_smile:

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I dedicate pages of my Grimoire/BoS to the spirit or deity. I usually offer art and decorate the pages with the spirit’s colors. I also play music which they like and dance along with it, so that it circulates my own energy as well direct it in a way, towards them. You can also look at travel altars.

If I offer something edible, I verbally state who’s it for and keep it above my BoS. I download pictures of sigils on my phone and rest it on a wall in front of me while meditating on it. If I want to do something for someone, I call for them and keep them in my mind while doing it. Be it drawing, dancing or writing.

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A square piece of black cotton, silk or 100% natural fibre sheet. Works as an altar wherever you unfold and place it!

Throughout nearly all of history practitioners have been taught to be discreet. Work on the sly.

Make a set of chanting beads and start using them.
You can shout your rituals to the end of the multiverse, using a whisper.
You can use enns whilst walking.

I realised that this planet is Satan’s temple, therefore I use whatever I can, wherever I am.



You all have such wonderful ideas. Thank you so much for your input. I have some definite ideas now.

You all are great. :grinning:

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This might seem like a silly question, but how to I make chanting beads. I mean I have seen chanting beads, but to be honest I have no knowledge of how to use them or anything.

A quick google search shows some YouTube videos that I will look into. Is this something I should get materials to make on my own, or purchase an already completed strand?

Sorry, but I want to make sure I don’t mess something up if I make it myself.

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Parks. Parking structures. Have used both in the past.


If there4 is a Michaels store near you, go in and find bags of wooden predrilled beads, 55 or 60 packs I think. Get a paintbrush or two, and black and whoite acrylic paint.
Go home and undo a metal hanger, and add beads to the hanger flat line.
Get paint on the brush, and keep painting them in downward wipes, they should spin easily.
Touch up the paint individiually and tie it with yarn or fishing string.

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Just do them at separate times, or two brushes and two hangers.

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I have a table in the kitchen where I place flowers and have Lucifer’s sigil framed. That’s where I do rituals because it’s the only place in my home that has adequate ventilation when I burn things and well, it’s NYC! Space is an issue!


Unfortunately, because of the individual I live with right now burning sage or incense would not be tolerated, much less have a sigil out in the open. Depending on who saw it first it would either be “devil worship” or “stupid, fake magic shit”. And it would cause a fight that I don’t have the energy left to deal with.

I am working on changing the situation day by day. But I love your idea, using your table as your sacred space is so nice.


Read Magical uses of magnets by D. Mickaharic, it will be very useful.
I’ve also read about charging a hidden sigil in your phone case when you plug in the charger.