Candle wax in water with King Belial

I was asking advice from king belial earlier today and I didn’t think I got any responses, then later I got a random idea to paint King Belial a painting of his sigil with his Enn being played on YouTube and I had a candle lit, and after a few minutes of painting I caught myself trancing out and pouring the wax into a water tin I use to wash my paint brushes. I swear I see a face in the wax! I think King Belial is answering my request for advice but idk how to read wax!

The wax

The painting

I was painting with my hands.

These videos are of the wax in question after I poured the rest of the wax asking for more advice and guidance.

Here is the wax and the painting. The paintings not finished, I traced his sigil in water and blood on the base canvases then painted black over it, intending to make a much better example of the sigil on top of the layers of paint. I also incorporated a rose pedal from the rose my fiancé recently got me, hoping he would like the offering.

Anyway I got off track, if anyone can help me figure out what the wax means, that would be EXTREMELY APPRECIATED!

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I finished the painting, I only used my fingers and used qtips to clean up some stuff. I like how it turned out.


It dried. Took picture with better lighting. At least I hope it’s better writing