Candle method

I’ll use some simple non-initiate Vodou for this one. This rite is taken from pp130 - 132 of Kenaz Filan’s book Vodou Love Magick, which is a kickass book btw.

Here’s a love oanga to Simbi Makaya. You need:

Do this:

  • Put Papa Legba’s vever on the floor. Sprinkle some white rum on the floor around it. Ask Papa Legba to open the gate for Simbi to come through.
  • Put a shot of rum next to the candle on the table. Put Simbi’s vever nearby.
  • Put the ovenproof dish on a fireproof surface on an ovenproof dish in the middle of the floor, away from anything flammable.
  • Sprinkle some Florida Water (or rubbing alcohol) on a paper towel, then moisten the bottom of the dish.
  • Put the darning needle in the dish.
  • Light the candle on the table and conjure Simbi to do this work for you.
  • Pour some Florida Water (or rubbing alcohol) into the dish on the needle, about a shot glass worth.
  • Ignite the Florida Water (or rubbing alcohol) in the dish. As it burns, feel Simbi’s energy flowing into the needle.
  • The flames will burn out relatively quickly. Let the dish and needle cool down for up to 20 minutes.
  • In the meantime, write your name on one of the brown papers, and your lover’s name on the other.
  • Take equal lengths of the red and black thread - around 3 feet will be enough.
  • Put the brown papers together with your names touching.
  • Put the threads through the now cool darning needle and sew the papers together around the outside of the paper. Imagine Simbi dancing between you two and tying you together as you sew.
  • Fold the Simbi vever around the brown papers, using the rest of the thread to tie the papers together. As you do this, ask Simbi to bind your destinies and bring you two together in love, lust, or whatever you want.
  • Promise Simbi a reward when the magick works.
  • Put the oanga in a safe place where nobody will see it.

Make sure you live up to your promise. The loi in Vodou are vindictive if you break your word.

Whenever you want this spell to kick in harder, ‘feed’ the papers in this way:

  • Light a red vulva candle for Simbi, with his vever carved into it.
  • Pour him a shot of rum in a shot glass
  • Hold the papers and state your desires clearly and loudly, while spraying Florida Water or rubbing alcohol with Cayenne pepper on it.
  • Pay attention to exactly how much rum you offered him to keep this oanga strong, and how often.
  • Your oanga will grow stronger the more you feed the papers.

Vodou is hard magick. There is a very real chance your beloved may become dangerously obsessed with you. If it’s too hot for you to handle this shit, destroy the vever and charm you made while giving Simbi at least twice what you offered him in the first place to undo the oanga. Also call the police if you need to and cut off all contact from your ex if they become dangerous.

Try that.