Can you see it?

When you summon a deity an angel a demon or a god, do you really see it or just feel it?

If you do it correctly, and have properly developed your abilities, then you will really see it. However, generally a full physical manifestation of a spirit is unnecessary so most evocations are just to presence. Evoking to presence is relatively easier than drawing a spirit down to the material world completely.

I recommend picking up a copy of Jason Miller’s book Consorting with Spirits. He talks about this and the different levels of spirit manifestation.


Thank you, but What do you mean developed your abilities? Sorry I’m new here.

Spirits aren’t physical beings so you will not see them with your physical eyes. You need to develop the more subtle senses, your psychic or astral eyes and ears.

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Do you recommend a book that helps a newbie like me further develop those abilities?

The book Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos has some great developmental exercises (the list of 50 spirits in the book is pretty cool too).

Evoking Eternity by EA Koetting has some decent developmental exercises as well. However, if you really want to learn to see and hear spirits, I highly recommend the exercises in the BALG Mastering Evocation course. In it you will learn how to scry into different mediums like water, fire and blood. Scrying is par excellance for developing your more subtle senses.

Another option is Liber MM, which is contained within the book Liber Null and Psychonaut by Peter Carrol.

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Thank you so much for the information :bowing_woman:t2::heart: