In theory, yes – you’ll need to read books and accept a model of the world that’s in them, what E.A. calls subjective synthesis, in order to place the All (Source, “God” or whatever) which is the consciousness back of, and behind, all things, as the direct underlying consciousness within you.
Please start by finding a PDF of a book called The Kybalion, it’s out of copyright, and read it, it’s pretty short and it will show you a route for this, and once you’re familiar with the core concepts, come back on here and we can talk about implementing them.
You might also want to take a look at this Invocation of My own Inner Divine that I do, it’s a start on energy work that is solely about you drawing your own Divine Power into conscious awareness and action:
If you choose to use any part of that, adapt the words to suit yourself, it’s designed to be amended as your own best judgement dictates.