Can working with spirits during meditation accelerate the spiritual progress?

I have been meditating for like 10 years but haven’t achived any good enough results partly because of my inconsistency due to life events. I have trouble astral Projecting, haven’t been able to successfully evoke a spirit to full materialization. So I was wondering if using sigils, chanting enns or words of power and calling upon spirits before and during meditation to help with my spiritual progression will help me achieve faster results.

I’ve already performed a rite to Malphas for this purpose. I was thinking about opening his sigil during my meditation.

If anybody tried anything like this or have any thoughts or opinions about this I’d greatly appreciate if you’d share it.

Thanks :heart:


One thing I did, during my anchoring years here was grabbing the Simon’s translation, and drawing all the sigils on my body, charging them each individually. I would add runes too, lots and lots of them, drawing lines of power between the sigils. You can customize it any way you’d like, just make sure to feel it out.

Once you’re done with that you can start calling on anything and you’re bound to have more of a connection. Might be intense, though.


As I understand it, there’s two aspects of the work here:

  1. Improving the communication with your subconscious, which is the part of you that is aware and gets all the AP type information and has to pass it along to your conscious mind.
  2. Raising your energy levels which in turn will strengthen your spirit, which also improves (1).

It is possible for spirits to give you a boost and adjust your energy levels for you. It’s rare but does happen.

By using sigils etc you are setting your focus and intention that you want to raise your skills, and that helps already. Energy follows mind.

You don’t say what kind of meditation you do, but to make headway on the communication and energy levels, you probably want to use techniques designed to do that.

For communication, this is about listening yo your intuition, which is your subconscious talking to you, and giving it more changes to be heard. The more you listen to it and practice he better that gets. Using pendulums, muscle testing, tarot cards, and learning remove viewing do this directly.

For energy raising, I like qi cultivation, but there’s also pranic breathing, and the wim hoff method, probably others I don’t know about.


Yes, this is possible.

If you want to get better at meditation, I’d check out the book The Mind Illuminated. It has step-by-step instructions on what to actually do to get better at each different stage or level of practice. Most “meditation guides” out there basically say “just meditate hah” and aren’t that useful. This one is actually useful.

When it comes to spirits, I’ve noticed that the Enochian Keys and associated angels summon an energy that naturally encourages you to be mindful and aware. This makes meditation much easier, but you do still need to practice. It helps you let go of all the noisy, pointless, hyperactive thoughts that swirl around and don’t really do you any good while also bringing your attention to your experience of the world moment-by-moment. I use the book Success Magick for these spirits and get the Keys from Kevin Klein’s transcription of the Enochian source materials from the 16th century. If you want the Keys I can PM them to you - all sources I have seen other than Klein are inaccurate when it comes to the Keys.

I meditate before doing a Success Magick ritual with the Keys. If you want to get better at meditating, then you should practice meditating. You can practice being mindful while you do ritual magick, but mindfulness meditation really hones in on that skill specifically. The energy of the Keys has been a great boost, but be careful about trying to find a hack or a shortcut as a substitute for actually doing the practice. Just practice consistently and with good technique and you’ll improve.

Similar ideas apply for astral projection and evocation. The nice thing about meditation though is that it also helps you with these practices, but if you want to improve at astral projecting, then practice that, consistently and with good technique. That’s really all there is to it. Most people just aren’t consistent (this is really the skill-gains-killer, lack of consistency) and don’t use good technique. That’s maybe not as exciting as finding the Secret Hidden Way They don’t want you to know about, but really that’s all there is to it. Just practice, consistently and with good technique. Occasionally review your practice and see how things are going and then adjust accordingly.

Also, try not to bounce around between techniques too much. Find someone who has had success with what you are trying to do, learn their technique, and then practice. Many people assume that the problem is the method, but if it’s worked for others, then the method should be fine. Many people are impatient and just give up rather than persisting through the challenges of the practice. If it weren’t challenging, you’d be good at it already. The challenge is the fun part anyways.

Enochian has also been helpful with full visible manifestation. I actually haven’t gotten this in ritual (I don’t really do much evocation nowadays anyways, usually I’m more internally focused for visionary things), but the Keys have caused things to appear on a scrying surface a few times for me. This has happened a couple times for me, and the visions morphed between various images and moving scenes for around 5-10 minutes. I didn’t do anything but watch and let it happen without getting in the way. The Enochian Loagaeth tables (I believe these are what did this) have also caused various “spiritual creatures” to appear in tangible forms. Some have looked like little white energy bunnies that hide in the corner and quickly hop around. One was a little demon which for a moment appeared in the darkness, although with a surprisingly detailed form. Such a good little demon pets the demon.

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Can you send me the enochian keys please

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I am trying just basic breath mindfulness meditation. I’m thinking about opening the sigil ask the help of the spirit and let the spirit’s energy guide me and Everytime I get distracted I’d chant the his enn or name to get my mind focused again.

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Sounds good! Let us know how it goes? :slight_smile:

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