Can too much money magick piss off angels?

I read somewhere that Josephine McCarthy of Quareia fame states that doing too much money magick can actually result in that channel being closed off. Also think I read something like it’ll piss off the celestials you’re working with if you do too much money magick and they won’t want to work with you anymore. I work hard to give my SO and myself what we need and I try my best to provide for our wants too (and my SO does the same). But I still have tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt and a bit of other debt. I’ve worked with Nitika and saw great results (check out my introduction post) and have been seeing wonderful results after finishing Damon Brand’s Money Master Ritual. But I’m still not close to being secure financially. Should I just wait things out and allow the current magick to keep working? Or is it okay to keep performing more money magick? I don’t want the channel to be closed off from using it too much.

Sorry if this is a silly question lol thanks everybody!


It is fine to continue using money magick, but just make sure that you are not doing it out of greed or desperation. Also, be sure you are doing your part to be a proper steward of money by not spending beyond your means, following a proper budget, increasing your financial knowledge and, possibly most importantly, showing appreciation and gratitude for what you have.

In my opinion, It’s not really doing too much money magick that could potentially close off the channel, but rather how you are approaching it. If you do a ritual to bring $1000, for example, but as soon as you get your result you immediately ask for more, you are ceasing to show respect or appreciation for that which you were given.

Performing money magick on a regular basis is often the best way to keep the prosperity flowing. It depends on the kind of magick being worked and whether the aim is long term or short, but generally, money magick can be done roughly every month or so to keep things moving. If you are engaged in a long term working aimed at something large, like buying a house, for example, or paying off a debt, it is perfectly okay to do separate workings for smaller short term results when the need arises.

I recommend you buy a copy of Jason Miller’s book Financial Magick. it provides a very sensible and down to earth way to approach money magick.


Thanks so much for the reply @DarkestKnight !

Your advice puts me at ease. I am not doing money magick out of greed or desperation, but rather to provide my loved ones and myself a comfortable life where we are free to pursue our true desires/wills. Of course I would like to be very wealthy, but I know I don’t need great wealth to live a good and comfortable life. But I’m definitely keeping myself open to great wealth! No money hang ups here, thankfully lol. I am also very grateful for all the blessings I’ve been given, especially since starting magick. But I do have a lot of work to do when it comes to budgeting and proper financial planning, so thank you for the reminder!

I’ll definitely check out the book by Miller you recommended. I have been wanting to check out some other practical magick authors besides the authors in the GoM. I’m somewhat interested in checking out books from the Power of Magick series (Archer, Woodcroft, Rose). Do you know if these authors are any good?

Thank you again for the advice!

I like Archer’s work. I have a couple of Woodcroft’s books but haven’t really worked with them. Haven’t read anything by Rose, though.


I think just like anything money serves a balance in our consciousness, if you know how to maintain that balance with the universal forces within yourself and your macrocosm, then nothing will be an issue.

I think it’s ideal to perform money magick on a the planetary days that can bring money, like Venus, jupiter. Saturn maybe etc.

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I’d imagine that they’d be neutral about money. That is if you’re gaining it honestly and not using it to hurt anyone. Even then, idk if celestial spirit’s actually care about human morality.

Money is a necessity. Idk why people think it’s the root of all evil.

It’s the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself. Some people cause a whole lot of suffering in their pursuit of the almighty dollar. That is what the proverb is referring to.


And there are people who cause suffering for their beliefs, ideals, and causes. Hell, people do shitty things for love as well. People do bad things in the name of the greater good.

And in any case they probably wouldn’t have to object about a wealth magick continuously or repeatedly performed, yes, but out of necessity.

I’m interested in working with Jupiter, as I am a Sagittarius sun sign. But I don’t know much about planetary magick. Would like to work with Fortuna as well, since she’s Jupiter’s daughter

Also, I’m thinking of trying out some the money magick techniques posted by @Blond
I might even go buy some green colored tea candles today lol

In my opinion the best way to develop a relationship with money is simply through energy, or foreplay, understanding how money works, understand how money wants to be treated. Treat money like a girl or guy you like for example

You don’t want to be thirsty, you don’t want to chase, you want to have foreplay with universe and money.

See and feel all the things you’d have thanks to your money, feel money coming in from every direction, feel that reality.

That is the best way because you basically unlock those dimensional gates in your own consciousness

Other than that however you can make a money alter to show your love for money and perform your money magick on it, every ritual you do powers the altar, the money current and your money magick also. I’d put some angel sigils including Shem that have to do with manifestation and money. You can do whatever you want with It. Many ways of going about it

I personally don’t even think about it anymore

I use money magick in the way I dress and present myself, I want the money to chase me. You want to be dripping gold type of vibe. Creating feeling of being rich, just naturally comes with it. It’s mainly about your light.

I can sniff broke energy off people instantly, don’t chill with broke people either, that’s just contagious

Pick up a copy of Jason miller’s book Financiall Magick, as I already recommended. It’s all about working with Jupiter with his channeled planetary seal.


His writing is very down to earth and the workings are easy to follow. He makes you take responsibility for the position you are currently in, while offering hope that you don’t have to stay in that rut of living paycheck to paycheck. I think I’ll go through that one again.

I wouldn’t say I have a love for money. I see it more as a tool. Just like I wouldn’t say I love my car. It’s kinda old, has to be maintained, and can be a small source of stress at times. But I greatly appreciate it for what it is and am very thankful that I possess a pretty solid car overall. It gets me where I need to go.

Same with money. I don’t have a lot, I have over $25,000 in student loan debt (not too bad tbh, but payment delay most likely ends this year, so gotta prepare for that somehow while paying two rents until November), but get great money for the job I do which doesn’t take over my life, and I am able to spend a little on small things for myself and my SO (though I also need to be saving money too).

But don’t get me wrong, everything is pretty hand-to-mouth, so I definitely want more money. But I personally wouldn’t make an alter to it.

I took up the suggestion of @DarkestKnight (thanks for the great suggestion btw!) and started reading Financial Sorcery by Jason Miller today. I found it for free on an app that my library card gives me access to. I’m already loving his down-to-earth tone and I appreciate his training in both western and eastern traditions. There’s a lot in the beginning about taking financial responsibility, which is obvious, but it’s good for me to have a reminder on the basic stuff. Pushes me to set some old plans into motion, (i.e. setting up monthly investments into a mutual fund). I haven’t read very far yet, but I’m excited to pick it up again in an hour or so.

Though I personally don’t feel “broke energy” being contagious for me, I do find other kinds of peoples’ energies can deplete me if it rubs off on me, so I can understand if that “broke energy” from others effects you negatively in some way. I usually find it’s somebody’s overall personality that can effect me negatively, not specifically how they are in money matters. Everybody’s different though and that’s what makes life so interesting.

But the advice to feel money coming in from every direction seems helpful! I’m sure writing down a detailed plan of what I’d do with a lot of money would be helpful as well. Thanks for your reply!

What I’m saying is, stay away from non productive energy, that’s just a blackhole and prolongs self mastery.

It’s okay to love money or any sort of tool, there’s no shame in it, money is also a spirit, love it and cherish it, money sustains your being down here, love naturally unifies duality, when you have those emotions around money, the spirit becomes a part of you. Thank the spirit everytime, the same could said for food, you pray over it with gratitude and eat slowly. You have to understand the mechanics behind it as well.

When I hear money magick, it feels binding, most of the time the magick just shows up where you’re blocking it within yourself.

It doesn’t mean it won’t work, you’ll still get money

But just like any relationship with any spirit, the more you bathe in its essence, you will naturally have more of the spirits power and protection around you. So treat it like any spirit you would work with, and if it’s gonna take care of 70% of your problems, I’d treat it with reverence, how rich or poor you are in this world, has all to do with the relationship you build with the spirit energy of money

Wow, I resonated with this much more.

I definitely eat too fast. Followed by hiccups. I’ll try to start slowing down and enjoying each bite with gratitude. Thank you.

Treating money like a spirit is a very intriguing concept. I’m going to look into it a bit more, though I know following my instinct would probably be best as far as making an altar and such

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You just have to understand everything is consciousness, people charge up the astral egregore of money with their desires, fantasies, broken dreams. Money is a very powerful spirit because it caries lots of emotion, the best and the worst and everything in between.

So working with it astral energy where all that stuff is just one orb will integrate the spirit of money itself, that’s essentially the idea behind chaos magick and the use of fictional characters