Can someone link me to King Belial

Hello guys i have try with King Belial and work with him but i seem that blocked or weak i have tried calling him in all different ways many times and seem to fail every time i do really want to connect with him.
i need someone to open the Gates for me pls guys it would be life changing for me

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Do make an introduction post, about the connection part, how are your astral senses? Can you at least communicate with your guides?

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no not at all it makes me sad man

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Have you tried chanting his enn?

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That’s not sad that’s the default. Establishing contact with a spirit is a lot of work. For how long have you been meditating on you chakras?

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Then you won’t really be able to feel his presence, strongly at least. He has probably already heard you and is

a) with you, or
b) will come at a later time when your astral senses are a little open.

My suggestion is to build a regular meditation practice and develop a method of communication especially with your guides. It’ll help you in the long run. 1 astral sense and 1 mode of communication is minimum, so that you know you’ve connected to him and not anyone else (i.e verification). Make wards too, learn some protection. I’m unaware of your experience because I haven’t read your introduction post, but protection, banishing, cleansing and grounding is a must know.

There are awesome tutorials here which you can find by using the search function :mag_right: .

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yes i have slept while listening to his enn

i have tried meditation but never chakras

It can be difficult to establish contact with a spirit when your astral senses aren’t developed, and you will most likely not feel/see or hear anything at all at start.

You aren’t blocked or weak, you are just starting and that’s totally normal. A lot of us were like you at start.

If you want to work with him on the long term it’s going to take some time. So like Onion said, begin practicing with meditations, learn some protection methods.
If you are a big dreamer and get a lot of informations in your dreams, pay attention to them, you might get signs and messages in them.


thanks but if someone did link me to him would there would be a problem because i’m currently have weak astral senses

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Chant his Enn

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There wouldn’t be a problem but tbh you won’t be able to work with him if you can’t communicate. You can get additional information from other people through him but you gotta do it on your own too.

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i’m sure that i did i even sacrifice my blood but is seem that i’m blocked or something

so you can link me to him i mean you don’t have to but it would help me please

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You don’t just sacrifice your blood like that bro


Making blood sacrifices to an entity you barely know is idiotic


I could but I’d rather you do it on your own.

Please don’t give your blood to anyone. It’s sacred, it’s life force and a direct link to your DNA. It’s like handing the key to the lock of your door to a stranger in this case.


i’m sorry guys i thought blood could help the evocation but it seems wrong

i’m hopeless i just need a push pls if you can do it for me it i take responsibility for whatever happens after