Can someone interpet these spreads?

I am practicing and learning to interpret the tarot. Last night I channeled Vassago and pulled the celtic cross in first picture below. The second photo is a past, present, future spread I did tonight about my overall experience with Lilith yesterday.

I’m very curious to see how others interpret these spreads.

  1. Justice
  2. Wheel of Fortune
  3. The World
  4. Ten of Cups
  5. The Hierophant
  6. Two of Cups
  7. Eight of Coins
  8. Seven of Coins
  9. Four of Swords
  10. Three of Swords

Tonight I shuffled the deck and asked for a Yes or No confirmation that Lilith came to me last night. I got the Empress in reverse, and felt called to pull two more cards as a past, present and future spread.

Hey :slight_smile:

It’s not that accurate most of the time if someone else reads your spread in my opinion because I think that the cards also come out as the reader reads them.
But I would interpret your celtic cross as follows:

Right now you are dealing with something that needs truth and acceptence - the challenge is, that there will be change probably and you have to work on that change - but you are not really sure what you want yet. That’s why you have to think about what you really want and accept the truth about some things - and be also be fair about other things.
You already had some success in the past and a lot of possibilities which means, you are coming from a good point of life. You are also heading towards good times with good people around you, family and friends. It’s not there yet, you have to take your decisions and get more self-awareness first - but if you take that challenge, good times lie ahead.
Seems like you are a traditional or religious person and your values are very important to you. They have influence on your life and your desicions. Deep inside of you, you are looking for meaningful connections, emotions - love. Good friends or someone you can share a love relationship with and be happy.
You should keep on working on yourself and keep your passion. People around you also have to work on themselfs.
I think you are looking for some healing. You’re fear is to be alone but taking time for yourself and thinking about the things you want and are important to you is not lonelyness. You can be happy on your own.
It seems that if you take this time and work on yourself to experience some healing, you can acceot your emotions which will be good for you.

Just a question…was this a new deck? Did you use it the first time?

For your second spread…
It seems like you need more logic and a plan about what you want to archive. Your emotions lead you a lot.
I don’t really know how you made a yes/no-spread to a past, present, future- spread. Because the question was already asked.
It seems that your focus is not on the right spot. You are counting emotions but not the ones which are true at this point. Did you ask her something but you didn’t tell your true emotions?

If you want to practice more tarot, you can message me. :slight_smile:

Celtic Cross can vary with questions/positions, so just listing the cards is not enough information for me to go off of.

Unless you felt like you were smothered by motherly energy, the second reading tells me she neglected your attempts to reach out in the past. You’re currently having clarity and joy with your current connection. Future shows long-term stable choices and inheritance-- she may end up teaching you something of great value that’ll further develop your physical security.