Can likes feed an egregore?

I have heard from reading on this forum and other descriptions at balg that spirits are fed through praise. When people call on it,when people praise it, they get more powerful.
So my question is that if a person posted a sigil of a spirit and it got a like/heart on a social media page/forum, would it get more energy?


I think so


Maybe, it’s an interesting thought. I would think that it’s actually attention and intention that does it. But the more ‘likes’ it gets the more people that will be able to see it possibly.

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Yeah I think so, just by it getting seen by so many would feed it.

No. Needs more than superfluous likes. Likes mean nothing.

Would alot of people seeing it and being aware of it not give it energy?

Any form of attention feeds a thoughtform/egregore.


Hmm, although I easily understand both sides of this discussion I think I should side with @Xendrath on this one due to the need for intent behind the admiration.

Example: You post a sigil on Facebook and people uninitiated see it and go “cool drawing”. (no real connection to the spirit of the sigil, just admiration of nice artwork)

Although I also remember the sigil bomb in the Lucifer compendium to create change so I am betwixt between on this one.


Chaotes do this pretty often. If you go to the chaos magic memes groups and pages on FB you will see a lot of them have barely visible Sigils hidden in the picture. But it’s visible enough to be embedded in the subconscious of the people who see the picture.


Well, you could throw in a clause for it.
“1 Like = Sacrifice Yourself to the Devil”, or whatever.

Put a pic of a hot goth girl, #occult and #witchcraft on it, and you’ll be in business. I’d give that a heart on Instagram any day.

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An egg took over Twitter for a few weeks, so you could say where @Cernunnos is center left on this issue then i am center right.

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Now my question is, do they use sigils attached to entities or is it symbols of power such as what the wiccans use?
