Can invoking harm you?

Sometimes i invoqr like 4 to 7 spirts a nught, I feel a huge amount of energy, and state of nervous look. Since the spirts are way to much intoe, even if i oferr offerings, stilly nody cnt handle tat many spiftd. Tink like u high in a drug and mot way slowdown ,for couple days, energy can be static, hot, wet, vold or unconsciously bad,

C.Kendall explains that in his thread on his merging with lucifer. And so does VK on his website and youtube vids.

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So it is just a name change correct? I imagine the same thing that i thought was invocation. The spirit entering me?

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I assume so. People be changing their names lately like women change clothes. 🤷 I never know who is who.

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I should point out that in demonolatry, particularly the work of S. Connolly, the term invocation is used a bit incorrectly, and this has caused confusion for beginners to ceremonial magical practices.

To Connolly, invocation is basically a general calling to the spirits. You’re asking the demons to come over for a visit (this is what the chanting of enns is for). Because she takes a religious stance in regards to demons, she sees evocation as a summoning by gunpoint, and invocation as inviting the demons over for tea.


Yes. She does indeed do that.

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When I first started doing it, I set boundaries about how much control or how far “in” they could go. They respected this, but I was prepared to nudge them out of wanted.

I would invite them in far enough to taste the wine or tea I was about to drink. This have me confidence and trust over time to invite them in further.

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I believe that invocation is an incomplete possession of a spirit in ritual conditions. There are one thousand and one methods to doing magic and the energy we are able to draw to ourselves during a ritual activities differs a lot.
When i invoke, all my senses do connect with the spirit present in me with taste, smell, audio and speach.
Isn’t this an incomplete possession because I am still much incharge of the ritual ? The fact that I am still in my ritual senses made it an invocations and not a possession.

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OP did you grow up with Christian beliefs? My mother is a hardcore Christian and I was taught all the stuff about demonic possession etc. while I’m working with spirits and praying to Lucifer himself, it always sits in the back of my mind cause my mother started me off very young believing all the usual “Satan and his demons will posses you/betray your body” stuff . I’m trying to shake it out of my head

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We are not the same. You are unique to the methods of the ritual you use and I am perfect with the response I could received from spirit being. What apply to the goose may not work with the gander.

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