Can I use scrying to communicate and even manifest demons and or spirits? If so, how can I achieve this? I do not own a black mirror

Awesome!!! you are surely a natural!!! I had to train it but yes blinking is a problem and that again needs seconds till restored or it even ends the session. And I have a friend who strangely after scrying gets sick every time so she does it shortly and not very oft. Probably manifests differently by everyone

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I donā€™t know, I consider it like opening a sigil, blinking doesnā€™t loose the fact that itā€™s already in process :woman_shrugging: I just know the image doesnā€™t always, but often changes with a blink and consider it a natural part of the process, as usually one image doesnā€™t reveal the bulk of the message and you might need ten images to get it all.

Iā€™d assume the energy of scrying doesnā€™t agree with your friend, I used to have that happen when summoning things, before I got used to the energy influxes, and still do with mega workings compared to daily ones.


I found aluminum foil to be the easiest thing to scry into, and that is how I started. Iā€™ve also used the textured ceiling, TVā€™s, trees, and even water when I was really good at it.

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You used to be better? So does that mean that your ability to scry is kind of like a muscle that you have to use daily to stay good at it?

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Well, honestly it makes sense that if you have to develop the skill, that you would need to exercise the skill to keep it.

But I never have, so Iā€™m guessing it mainly applies to people who donā€™t do this from the time they are 3 years old lmao. Similar to some of us have been able to see spirits of the dead our entire lives without effort, but others have to develop the skill.

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That makes sense, thank you.

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After my most recent experience, Iā€™m sure you will understand when I say I am taking a break from the work.

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I use obsidian

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