I actually have no clue if this is a thing but, if it is, i want to attempt it. Can I summon the personification of this reality itself? That meaning, the being that is the amalgamation of everything, everywhere at all times that encompasses the physical, astral, and all else that exists. Im planning to use the universal circle over top my personal circle. But at the same time, im not even sure such a being exists, although i dreamed it did and want to summon them to ask a question, i just wanted the opinions of everyone here.
P.s. im not talking about Yahweh or a singular god, im talking about something bigger than i know what to call it. So big that im worried im not describing it right.
Of course you can. You can literally evoke anything.
The being doesn’t have to exist. You would essentially be creating the idea of it and then evoking that idea. A former member here used to like to evoke the “spirit” of books, for example, and once evoked the spirit of Evoking Eternity by EA Koetting.
as is said before you can evoke anything there is no limit to what can be evoked only the mind that limits of what can or can’t be evoke anything can be call on and work with