Can I do LBRP shirtless?

Sometimes i do it naked.

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I work from home and am usually dressed in either a long teeshirt in warm weather, or a long velvet dress in winter, and I donā€™t habitually wear anything except this, because I dislike elastic and binding clothing when indoors.

King Paimon and Thoth/Dhjuty have both asked me to dress more formally when calling them, specifically to wear underpants and/or something that covers down to at least below the knee. Damballah also specified to wear some white clothing, on his day, when I call him for weekly devotion & check-in.

But Belial dgaf, and most spirits Iā€™m close to donā€™t. :woman_shrugging:

Yet again though, I spot more contradictions becoming dogma:

  1. yes symbols are really powerful in magick, and symbolic actions can communicate with spirits and affect the manifest reality

  2. yes all cultures at all times have used have special adornments when they communicate with spirits, from the special attire of shamans, through birth (or funerary) charms, to later priestly robes, and pre-agricultural societies usually denote initiations and triumphs with a symbolic adornment

  3. yes sex magick is a real thing, and spirits value sexual offerings, and treat human sexuality as more than just a casual act

  4. but for some reason, being symbolically naked and making sexual organs visible is a COMPLETE non-issue and makes no difference whatsoever. Because hey maaaan, itā€™s the nineteen sixties already! :peace_symbol: :roll_eyes:

Iā€™m married to a spirit, btw, which could be some part of why certain spirits asked me to dress a bit more formally, and dare I say it, modestly, when calling them. I wouldnā€™t be very pleased if my human husband started sunbathing naked in front of our female neighbours, more because of what it implies, than because he would somehow be injured by their lustful gaze! :laughing:

So my overall answer is that any kind of clothing is symbolic, therefore, lack of clothing is symbolic in some contexts, so choose accordingly - bare chest or nakedness is a conscious symbol and a self-presentation, rather than just lack of a thing. So, there is probably no specific answer, just choose the symbols appropriate to that situation, and your relationship at that time, with the spirit youā€™re calling.


:sunflower: that is so true!!

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King Bael ???

Nope, I prefer not to disclose who but itā€™s not him, I just love him in a grandfatherly kind of way:


Married a spirit?? How can you do that ?? So obviously youā€™re not single anymore then ?? Just curious

Iā€™m definitely not single any moreā€¦ also married to a spirit, about which all Iā€™m saying is itā€™s a thing, it is not however a thing I speak a lot about.


Once I did a ritual wearing lingerie, donā€™t ask me whyā€¦ but yes, Iā€™d say that the presentation and adequacy always counts.

One guy name christopher wren is married to sabnock
He is just mad about him
This is what happens if you dont banish properly
He keeps saying that everywhere
but he is banned because he harrassed someone

I do it before i shower so essentially naked lol


Before being expelled, just after they ate the apple, they sought to cover their nudity

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I usually do it nude so my swingin frank n beans help create a cone of power while creating and completing the circle.


@Lady_Eva, I when studying gematria and hebrew, found that ā€œfather godā€, which a lot of pentecostals say, translates to Ba-El. as both Ab and Ba mean father in hebrew. I also find it interesting how they came up with J in Hebrew, which does not exist, but could rather be a form of a soft G.


Dude you can do it without flesh nevermind clothing


Good point bro!

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