Can I curse someone just through an email address?

As the title says. Am I able?

There is much myth about needing stuff from people to curse them, and people seem not to practice a lot, mainly because cursing all the time is draining and not very productive, and some others think that the curses are going to be fantasy like and that just by mixing some stuff they will work. I can help you by telling you that it is better to have an inmaterial way to aim your curses, even though that inmaterial way may not always want to help you. If you want to work alone and you haven’t achieved the Knowledge and Conversation with your Higher Self, you may target yourself if your strongest picture of the objective is your own depiction of it, with this I try to say that if that email address is attached to the picture you imagine of the thing you want to curse, it won’t be so attached to the actual thing you want to curse. Entities such as demons or angels may help you, and if they care about you they don’t need you to give them a piece of cloth for them to smell it, but they may not care or find your curse unproductive or even harming to yourself, that’s why I mentioned that your inmaterial aiming system may fail. Such thing can also happen with your Higher Self, who knows what is best for you better than your rational mind or any external entity, or that is what we Thelemites usually believe

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You don’t need that much to influence someone .

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There are methods that require a magickal link, and there are others that don’t require one.

In my opinion, when petitioning entities or applying energy directly a link is a strengthening factor. If you have personal knowledge of someone, clear will and focus may suffice and a link might not even add anything, but if you want to influence a stranger then a personal object of theirs helps.

The more personal it is the better. I would rate links, from strongest to weakest, something like this:

  1. Sexual fluids. Semen. Vaginal fluids.
  2. Menstrual blood, in the case of a woman.
  3. Blood from anywhere on a person.
  4. Saliva, spit, phlegm, snot - like from a letter they licked, or a tissue they blew their nose on.
  5. Hair (pubic hair is stronger than hair from the head).
  6. An article of clothing. The closer it is to their body, the better. Underwear is better than a scarf. Unwashed is better than washed.
  7. A personal item, such as a toothbrush or a hairbrush.
  8. A sample of their handwriting.
  9. A less personal item, such as a book they own.
  10. A picture
  11. A full name
  12. An email address

We can argue about the order, but this is just my opinion. Remember that you can combine links together, so you could write their name and date of birth on a picture of them and if you had a personal item of theirs, such as a toothbrush, you could tie them all together with string.

Sometimes the link is just a conduit - something that helps focus the will and energy. An email address alone is not a strong link and won’t help you as much as other things. Depending on your skill and desire, this may not be a deal breaker.

In sympathetic magick, the link is more important. It undergoes the changes that the target will undergo. It may be frozen, sweetened, buried in a graveyard, stabbed and burned, depending on the purpose. If this is the kind of magick you’re working with, you should really try to get a good link.


You don’t need an email address , nor do you even need a name

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Can I curse someone through a mirror?