Can demons let me have an affair?

I have tried to ask demons to help me get laid and got nowhere. Am married but she just cant have sex due to rapes and low energy. Have been a Christian most of my adult life but that was boring. She is still one But i see that religion is not helping her either. So do demons respect a marriage and wont let me have a affair? One member suggest I use candle magic. am white and 70 years old. Still a virgin due to being a Christian. And she just wont do it with me or her vagina will not open up due to the rape trammas . She is bad lover. Never had a man.


This does not sound like the type of problem that needs to involve Demons. Have you asked your wife about having an open relationship ? If things are as strained as you describe then she may be happy for you to broaden your romantic horizon.

I would not recommend you pursue outside activity that was not approved by your wife. As long as she approves, there is no shortage of available affection. Any major city will have a red-light district near the airport. If you live near the border of Mexico then things are wide open over there. If you have the option, look for a Korean branded affection store. Three hundred dollars will turn you into a new man.


You can try asking one of the angels of prostituion especially Naamah or Eisheth. They can both make the sexually recluse more open to sexual experience. Be careful of summoning demons without knowledge of protections or ways to banish.


You can do this, but should you? I would definatly do some divination on that.

Sure she not open to a open relationship. And not enough for a Korean store which my town will not allow.


I do need to learn protection. I do see others says Sitri or Asmodeus would help. And Zepar.

Without digging too deeply into your personal situation, I would suggest that you change your focus a bit. Instead of dwelling on one aspect of your life, it would be better to look for larger solutions to a broader range of problems.

More money could change a lot of things. The Demons are very powerful and for them it would be just as easy to help with a drastic increase in finances as it would be to help you with your romantic problems. If you plan to pursue magic and develop a closer relationship with the Demon world so as to improve your situation and circumstances then it would behoove you to set your sights higher.

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I do need some increases in our financial life. We just live month by month. We need a better car soon and some extra cash for other things. So which spirits do I petition for that? Thanks for your advice.

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Good Lord, man, you are a Saint. 70 years old virgin? Go to a christian monastery and stop fooling around with demons. :thinking:

The Spirit Melabed from the book “Lucifer and The Hidden Demons” has been very helpful for me. You may find other Demons in the book that resonate more with the things in your life. As you become familiar with them and work with them their instruction and guidance will become easier to recognize. For me it has been a case of developing a working relationship with them. By communicating with them it becomes easier to recognize and capitalize on opportunity as it arises.

I dont wanna be a saint!!! LOL

I’d say it depends on the demon. Sitri might, but Sallos might not.

If you believe in ATR, you can DM me for how to. It’s you that will choose who you want to get laid with and that is what you will get.

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Let Goddess Lilith direct you. :slight_smile: Try cam model websites for an online affair Lets play a game of Charades its a nine letter word. S-------t

I always wondered about her. I did use to call her name. Then at night in bed I felt cold spots on my pelvis area.