Can anyone help me? Is my life over?

I need help. I’m not familiar with psychic experiences but I’d like some input on what happened to me by anyone more experienced. I’m hoping someone can tell me I haven’t ruined my life.

I used to be very religious and spiritual. I had dreams that came true. I met my ex-wife, who I believe is a narcissist, and I started having all kinds of warning dreams. Then they stopped. She wound up being abusive, manipulative, and dangerous. She was physically abusive and I used to walk away at first. Then I started fighting back and she would always have me arrested, whether or not I fought back because she would have her six year old daughter corroborate her story.

We divorced. Fast forward about ten years. I am restarting my life. I have a professional career and I have a new girlfriend. Things don’t work out with her because she won’t keep a job, she brought her brother to live with us, and I don’t see a future. I try to tell her I’m not happy and we should amicably split. She all but refused to leave and I didn’t want to put her and her family out on the streets. Her brother is disrespectful to me and I wind up having to kick him out and she agrees. But her family turns against me and eventually she does too and we’re finally able to make a clean break.

Sounds convoluted, but it’s relevant. I started dating a woman three years ago. I think she’s sweet. Every relationship before me has been abusive for her. She’s been raped, beaten to the point of miscarriage, she has been cheated on, pretty much any bad thing that could happen had happened to her. We have a good relationship and she tells me no one has every treated her so well and she is good to me too. We move in together, along with her brother that she takes care of.

One night, I’m having a dream about the girlfriend after my ex-wife. I’m talking to her in bed. I wake up and I see my ex-girlfriend’s image overlaid on my current girlfriend and I get a premonition that they are the same type of person, but I don’t want to believe it.

I have never tried marijuana, but on a job assignment in a state where it’s legal, I tried some gummies and took too much. I started hearing voices and one distantly told me that my girlfriend would kill me.

Fast forward a year and me and my girlfriend have an argument. We couldn’t see eye to eye. I got into an argument with her and her brother starts being disrespectful. Here is where I was wrong. He got in my face and we got into an altercation, but I should have walked away and I’m aware of that.

I talked with her afterwards and she said she didn’t want to press charges against me. I never touched her and never would have. She said her brother wouldn’t press charges because I have a professional career that pays well and neither wanted to hurt that. We both agreed that I would just move out and we go separate ways.

Two days later, I get arrested at work. I’m being charged with assault against him and her. I lose my jobs and my potential contracts. She is telling my best friend that I was a horrible person, and my best friend is believing her. My life is falling apart.

I’m believing that the dream of her being overlaid with my ex was a warning to me that her and her family would eventually turn against me. I hoping that the marijuana experience telling me that she was going to kill me isn’t literal. Can anyone with more experience help me with this?


You have never ruines your life. Not to the point that it cant be carried on. I hate to say “shit happens” but…

I had a real difficult and similar situation wherw i wantes to end my life but. I had to carry on and endure.

I canr nessecary say what the best course of action is. But you need, as best you can, to pick up thr peices and carry on. Rebuild.

Find something you enjoy and delve into it. Etc

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Interesting. I’m curious to know how much marijuana did you take? Like…do you know if it was 10mg? 20mg? 100mg? Was it indica or sativa? Give me all the details you can, if you don’t mind. Marijuana has interesting properties that have been used by occultists and the religious for thousands of years to get in contact with the spirit world. If you had that experience under the influence, I wouldn’t ignore it, especially given recent events.

A wild guess: maybe your premonition “sensor” did indeed open up under the influence. But its lacking context and now you’re left with the fear of your GF killing/hurting you. Maybe your premonition might have expressed to you that her former abusive partner(s) could turn on her again and you’ll get caught in the crossfire while protecting her (or because they think that you are still a couple, etc)?

You could prevent such a scenario by learning protection and freezing spells for your former GF and against her former partner(s). Looks like she has some kind social environment around her that could be more dangerous than herself and that should be avoided.

Otherwise I would try to open my clairs for more information and context regarding the “voices” message. I doubt that this is a flat out “Your GF is going to kill you” scenario, it looks like the “bottom line” of many smaller things around this message.

(maybe the financial situation could affect your health in a bad way and you can’t afford a treatment, etc. She has brought you into this situation, so she would be the perpetrator by proxy)

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Maybe it was metaphorical.

Looks like she’s trying to “kill” your reputation, malign your personality, and destroy your career.


4 gummies. 100 mg. Two Sativa, two indica.

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What is your help?

Interesting. 100mg is a heavy dose indeed (at least for me). I’m surprised you were even able to work with a dose that high in your system. Mixing them was an interesting choice as well. But there were groups throughout history (like the Hashischins) who would consume large doses of cannabis to soul travel, and many more used it for spirit contact. My guess is that you came into contact with some sort of guardian spirit, or perhaps the spirit of cannabis herself giving you a heads-up. Who knows. But the important take away here is to not ignore it, especially given her sudden turn towards bringing you down. Keep her and her relatives/friends at an extreme distance.

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Oh, i wasn’t able to work. I was out of it for about a day.

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Ah gotcha, Well then, what do you plan on doing now?

I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do next.

I got a lawyer and I’m moving back home to be closer to family and trying to find a job.

Just try doing the best for yourself right now, dont be worrying about anyone else but yourself and improving your situation.

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I am trying to focus on myself. I’m just worried that i missed a warning and that it’s too late to salvage my life.

I don’t know how experienced with magick you are, but there are two things I would say to you:

  1. your life isn’t over, in fact this forum is teeming with people who experienced extremely adverse winds and I am one of them, as long as you believe you can make it, you will be fine, just don’t give in to despair no matter how bad things may look at the moment, important sidenote, be willing to work on yourself and reexamine some of your beliefes and attitudes, so you can start rebuilding your life and changing it for the better
  2. if you need some relatively easy magick to help you with any needs you may have, you can always try a petition spell, I keep recommending it to literally everyone coming to this forum as it was recommended to me some time ago and has since helped me so many times

Don’t believe the voices you hear when you use cannabis. I hear them too and they’re either just my brain, or parasites taking advantage of my state. They have never been correct. They have posed as Glasya-Labolas (who I am very close with) and told me absolute lies. From my partner, who is diagnosed schizophrenic and has been with me when I’ve eaten too many edibles, and has also experienced eating too many edibles: “Even if you do not have a psychotic illness, cannabis voices are psychosis and should be treated as such.”

You can use a small amount of THC to help you get into the right mindset, but when you start hearing voices, you’re too high for magick, spirituality, or believing anything that anyone – your brain, entities, human, the television, etc. tells you.

Prophetic dreams, on the other hand, should absolutely be listened to.

Thank you. I needed to hear that. I’m not very experienced with magick, so I’m going to try the petition spell immediately.


Hey Vic, this situation your in sucks a lot of ass. I wish you well and hope it gets better. I wish I could help you but im also not very good with magic yet, but when im feeling stuck and worthless what helps me is philosophy. I dont know if these videos would help you but they help me view my life in a better mindset.

Bro life sucks, take your destiny and fate in your own hands.
Magick is best option to improve your life

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