I meditated with Astaroth until six in the morning. After some time in my dream I saw a black snake on the floor that approached me.
I wanted to avoid her, but I changed my mind in a second and went to her,she disappeared and I heard a man’s voice saying that he is my ancestor and that I exaggerated and could not save me anymore and than he disappeared.I think the black snake was Lucifer because I asked to come to my dreams to talk to him…
What does it mean?
Hiya OP! That sounds a little weird for Lucifer. The man, what were his exact words? It seems pretty context-specific here. How did you recognize the black snake as a ‘she’? Black snake symbols are usually referential to the Ida, just like white snakes symbolize the Pingala, blue snakes the physical brain, and red or rainbow snakes symbolize the Kundalini.
He said: now it’s enough, you’re overdoing, I can not save you anymore.I’m not sure whether “he “or “she”,I had such a feeling…Maybe it was not Lucifer.
Hey there, Spirits can be weird sometimes and break up messages between senses. Why did you want to talk to Lucifer in your dream in the first place? He might be trying to tell you that you can’t do it yet, or that he can’t fulfill your request, but that the black snake can. The Ida is the brain’s channel of lunar energy, so Lucifer might be saying that you’re overusing that or that you should talk to your Ida to work through the problem first. That’s just what comes to mind, though!
Read this and see if anything vibes:
I will! Thank you!
@Qayos I can hear spirits only when I am in the astral world.I’m talking to Astaroth that way.That‘s why I asked Lucifer to come to my dreams and try to communicate with me, I’m with him twice a day, meditating and talking to him.I exaggerate in evocations, I work three times a day and then I’m dead, maybe he meant it
The voice identifies himself as your ancestral spirit…a protector, obviously. What you are doing is going beyond his ability to interfere in. The snake is representative of what has held you back, your ancestors fears. You too held those subconsciously, but you let it go.
Not sure what you exaggerated, but it feels like an agreement with a deity, and now the ancestor cannot step in for you. You’ll have to follow through.
This makes sense, thank you!
I want to talk to Astaroth and Lucifer because I want a pact and I want their attitude about it, and I can’t hear them if I‘m not in astral world, that’s all…I’m doing meditation every day with them in the hope that something will change.
I’d say stay on your path. Make your own journey…your ancestors can only advise or caution.
I certainly can’t go back and don’t want to.
maybe it has to do with the fact that I intensively build a relationship with the Ancients
Be careful about asking for interpretations about dreams. Dreams contain archetypal symbols that have individual significance to the dreamer; what a black snake means to you amy be vastly different to what the same symbol means to me. But if Jung is correct, it may have represented the shadow of your psyche, and the male, ancestral voice may have represented your animus, or male aspect of your psyche. If the figures that you encounter are indeed aspects of your own psyche, good questions to ask yourself (and possibly good seed thoughts for meditation) might be “What do these symbols mean for me”? and “If these figures, are indeed aspects of myself, then what are they trying to communicate to me such that I can experience further growth and psycho-spiritual maturity”?
In short, only you can adequately interpret and analyse your own dreams. But the process of engaging in the process will bring great rewards.
in most cases, dreaming about a snake typically means deceit or betrayal depending on how you see snakes, however being bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream typically means an infusion of knowledge. As Lord / lady Astaroth is known to carry a Viper, the fact that the Viper retreated away from you could mean that you are not ready for that type of pact yet. I get that this is the case as I do have some history with her.
Thank you all!
A black snake represents a threat or enemy in your waking life and seeing in on the floor means that person is prepared to harm you somehow. Such a dream means that you must prepare yourself and get out of any trouble asap.