Can anybody help me with Lucid Dreams?

Looking to get more into lucid dreaming, is there anyone who can help me strengthen that?

There is a sigil for that in the book “Sigils of power and transformation”, by Adam Blackthorne.


thanks I’ll look for it. Do you have a copy of it?

Demon marquis Andrealphus’ ability is to enable you to experience lucid dreaming

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The old books are better than the New ones about lucid dreaming. The exercises are difficult so better get advise from a doctor before doing the old exercises.

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Thanks I’ll do that

I’ll look him up, thank you I appreciate it.

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It comes from Demons of Magick book

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Decarabia can help you as well, especially with the right herbs to facilitate this. (Not drugs)
You can perform various physical reality practices as well, such as beginning a dream journal.
Each morning, write every detail you can remember. You’ll find your recall improving, and find that you’re starting to have moments where you realize you’re dreaming, because you’re already thinking of writing it down when you wake up.


Thank you, I’ll try that and contacting him.

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