Can a human be an Incubus?

After recent events I have to ask dis question.
So an ex girlfriend from many years ago an I had started talkin again… She’s shy, we’ve never seen each other naked, an she had felt regret about not havin sex wit me when we had a party one day in da past. So when she gets drunk shes more haself, bein able to open up an such. She was drunk last night an told me bout how she had been thinkin bout dat night fo well ova da past year an regrets not fuckin me. So we start talkin an flirtin an i end up doin wot I do to all once I am sure dey “want” it… is to get some physical sight of their breasts… or whole body… dependent on their comfort usually. lol. Not sure why or how buh it makes me much mo able to feel dem… so we are sextin somewot an she is aware dat she can feel me, i can feel her, strokin inside her, she wants it in her mouth as well… she was very naughty an nothin i knew bout ha when we was together would leave me to believe dats how she was… since so shy an awkward… So… Can I be an incubus? We have never been sexual an dis was all online over facebook an pictures, cept when we would concentrate on fuckin each other to ensure we can feel each other… She has said she knows nothin of magik… Quite frankly neither do I… Ive been searchin fo months to figure out wot dis feelin is an currently readin Evoking Eternity to see if I can get a physical touch on whom or wot is bein manifested inside…

My opinion. It is possible to presence spirits inside yourself to various degrees, with invocation or possession. The more you do it, the more you’ll take on the characteristics of the spirit you presence that way (or any way really). I don’t think you’ll actually become an incubus ‘only’, but you could develop the characteristics to a high degree while still being human.

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I can look back now an see ive changed a bit out of da blue really… so uderstandin dat, it makes sense to me… So wot i think yur sayin is I can be an Incubus embodied within myself since I am able to spiritually connect to others an make dem orgasm?

Being ‘something’ such as an Incubus or anything else is a mental label that we use to categorize things within our minds. In reality each entity and being is unique. If you can do the things you consider an Incubus does, then I can understand how you would consider yourself one.

dont listen to the tongues of men, speak with Belial he will show you the way.

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It would say its very possible to cause sleep paralysis on other people while draining their energy, and if you really want, it to be a sexual encounter.

If this is truly something you’re interested in doing then studying vampire magick and learning how to get out-of-body would be your best bet.

Check this stuff out if you can swing it.

Mastering Soul Travel Course by EA Koetting (For learning how to get out-of-body) The rest will be easy once you master this!!

The Book of The Witch Moon by Michael Ford

Akhkharu- Michael Ford

Hope this helps because this would be the route I would have taken if it was available when I was learning this. This should make it easy for you if you study up and practice the material in these works.


I havent been on ina bit, sorry for late responses, Ive just been tryna wrap my head around it whether it is just losin my mind or another being…

[quote=“c.j. lee, post:7, topic:5961”]If this is truly something you’re interested in doing then studying vampire magick and learning how to get out-of-body would be your best bet.

Check this stuff out if you can swing it.

Mastering Soul Travel Course by EA Koetting (For learning how to get out-of-body) The rest will be easy once you master this!!

The Book of The Witch Moon by Michael Ford

Akhkharu- Michael Ford

Hope this helps because this would be the route I would have taken if it was available when I was learning this. This should make it easy for you if you study up and practice the material in these works.[/quote]

It isn’t a matter if I WANT it to happen, it happens whether I want or not… Ive read a few things about out of body buh nothin really connects…

Its almost always sexual, sometimes Ill be talkin to someone within my head buh I have no idea who it actually is since dey wont respond wit a definitive answer an dats like my keep sake- i have to know… it jus never works in my favor…

How does one speak wit Belial?

dude ur on this forum and you havent watched E.A.'s videos on how to evoke spirits yet?

To pre-empt “which videos?” :o) I’m going to link you to the Member Resources thread - check out the links in that to begin with.

Yes. I know a guy who is one

Hmm possibly you might be , but what you were describing somewhat sounds like astral sex another thought could be perhaps she may be a succubus and doesn’t know it

In soul, a human can be an incubus.