I’ve been on the kundalini path a good few years and meditate daily on my chakras.
After around 5 years of this plus having “healers” heal me and say all is balanced open and aligned! Come to the conclusion it’s all bollox and I’ve wasted my time and money.
None of these so called healers has done anything that’s why Inwant to work first hand with an entity to actually get shit done.
As I’ve never invoked or anything else with spirits Incintacte somebody about conjuring me a Dragon. A Dragon I asked for came forward before she did anything it was already waiting.
This Dragon has grey energies so feels good to me, right now the entity is being screened before I have it binded to a vessel and myself.
Does anyone have any track record working with Dragons or can you recommend a spirit that CAN actually help with my chakra problems.
The Power Meditations volumes 1,2,3 from the Joy of Satan give techniques that I have found “over stimulating” as times, concerning the kundalini.
Doing the Foundation Meditation in volume 1, and visualizing Red energy coming into me from all directions, I started getting twitches just sitting in the chair. I went to sleep, and woke up to a HOT FLASH going up my spine. (Waking up save me there). It was that hot.
In volume 3, the Kundalini Meditation, visualizing a ball of fire between the base of the spine and the sex organs, right under you. After doing that for a while, a went to sleep and start getting some ‘jerks’. (started to feel like a Jerk). Anyway, just excess Kundalini energy releasing while I was sleeping…
By focusing on White / Gold fire on each of my 7 chakras, after going up the spine, and down, for several sets, holding around 6 to 10 seconds on each chakra, I started getting Hot feet, and Hot hands. Nothing severe, I didn’t go that far. These meditations work for me.
We are all different, so we experience things differently.
As far as Dragons, I suppose just find sigils and pictures of Dragons, and ask if any can help you, (if you are psychic enough to sense the REAL thing.
People like me got to just “wing it”.
Thanks for the reply, I’m gonna check these meditations out for sure.
What happens to me is the kundalini reaches the sacral of solar plexus are and hits a brick wall. Jerks yes I get them as if I’m being electrocuted, seriously.
The kundalini hits that area and that’s it to would seem like I’m being attacked by a hidden stun gun.
At the Berkeley Psychic Institute, I took a meditation class. They said 90 % Life Force (energy through the Top of the head and down into the earth, 10% Earth energy, (energy up from the earth to the head and out into the sky). They said, “we don’t run pure earth (ground) energy in this system. It is too dense. Can damage chakras”.
I experienced this myself. The pain lasted a few days. But I recovered.
Just so you know.
Also, in “The Book of Secrets”, by Osho, there is a technique to visualize gold light coming through the top of your head, and into the heart. This is to be practiced before sleep, as it opens up the subconscious mind to “be aware in dreams”. I only got to the point of dozing off, still barely awake, (lucid dreaming), and the subconscious thoughts came through. A mountain, car, people, trees, etc. Different things appeared. The white Gold Prana (life force) seems to do this. But, it is just my imagination. Nothing real.
And, sometimes I wake up gasping for air, as there is too much energy in the body and chest area. Made it harder to breathe while asleep. Might be something to keep in mind with these techniques.
I will take onboard what you have said, I’m unsure I want to work with Satan just yet. But I have a Dragon that is somewhat dark that is ready to work with me.
I’ve had some great help from this topic and I think things are going to change soon
Kundalini is a dual force but she is also the serpent within us, whose coils awaken the chakras once she is activated. In fact her power can transform you into a Dragon. The chakras themselves are draconian forces, and the awakening of them is Kundalini, who is force and divine both.
The kundalini is active it has been for around 3 years.
It is a rhythmic swaying that starts from the be base but I feel it more in the back at the bottom of my spine.
I can “tune” into it whenever I want and it builds in the root and moves upto the sacral then hits a wall at the solar plexus. I don’t know why I never thought of just going directly for the kundalini spirit itself.
Thanks for the advice.
I have a dragon who wants to work with me, his and my first experience. It cannot be a coincidence this is all coming along in this manor.
I used to experience repeated blocks in the same chakra. I would have to give myself energy nightly. I worked on myself frequently, and i also was worked on by others. Bottom line was that i was apparently only getting so deep into my energy body.
I learned this when i happened to be randomly exposed to crystal singing bowls. I thought i was pergectly aligned and free of blocks but yet i had major releases. Major.
This was a humbling experience which i greatly appreciated. I caused me to enact some major changes moving forward.
*I continue to use multiple healing currents.
*i now incorporate bija mantra work into my self healings.
*I utilize the energy clearing methods taught by Robert Bruce to clear major blocks.
Also, the kundalini course of his taught me some serious lessions on the degrees of intensity of kundalini experiences. By Roberts definition, a kundalini raising experience is not the same as most define it.