Can a diety try to ruin your current loving relationship for x different reasons?

Tittle pretty self-explanatory: Can a diety try to ruin your current loving relationship for x different reasons?

A diety that you are currently working with

an opposite sex diety. I have read that usually girls get married with entities and when i have done some lust spells with female demons this type of sexual tension and even “love” i’d say is in the air.

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Yes, they could. Especially if there was some kind of past life contract. However, your life is ultimately your own and you are not necessarily bound by any agreement made by a previous incarnation. Any spirit that acts against your will to alter your life without your consent deserves to be kicked to the curb and the door slammed in their face. They have no business sticking their nose in your business unless you ask them to.


They definitely can in my opinion. Especially if it’s an opposite sex demon where they have feelings for you. Which diety are you talking about?

thank you for your reply

i’m talking about astaroth specifically