Hey another awesome post!!!
The Enigmatic Core
This Grand Design is a strange and confounding machine, what appear on the surface as a random arrangement of centuries of cultural artifacts thrown together to create a common operating system is actually millennia of ancient traditions trying to piece together the configuration of a device as old as Existence itself. The names will change, the faces drawn in different media with different emphatic features, but the nature of the machine never truly changes. The machine in question is the Enigma, one that I have come to refer to as the puzzle box that is our Existence. The Grand Veils, the Eight Climates, the Four Olamut of the Kabbalah, and the internals of the device itself which will be further elaborated here, all create a series of layering cubic designs.
In the previous entry, I introduced the Divine Constructs that are part of the Great Work, many of these are intertwined with the construction of the Enigma, in order to fully understand their function, their role in the Enigmatic Construct should be understand as well for context into their true purpose.
Seven Ensigns of Creation (Faces of the Cube and link to the Core)
The Heptemeron (Seven Days of Creation) were actually seven Worldseals used in the creation of our Reality, each marking an instrumental piece in the creation of how this world operates.
Cube of Elohim (Outer Shell)
When the Archdaemons were separated from the Infant God, His first actions were to remove from Himself all the necessary instruments to bind His predecessors to prevent them from unwinding His new creation. From His Tongue came Metatron whose speech could only utter Truth (from Leviathan), who used this ability to create a language to bind the Daemons into creating the world.
Rose Cross (forms the Net of a Cube which divides the Inner and Outer Shell)
Seal of the Cosmic Adam used to divide the Heavens from the Abyss, thus forming the Universe. This division also laid out the architecture for the Grand Veils to divide the Archdaemons.
Cube of Qemetiel (Inner Shell)
Where the Speech of God through Metatron bound Daemons and uttered forth Creation and Life, there arose in the dark corners of the Qliphoth a rebellion for independence, and from this rebellion came the Dumiel, the Silence of God, which freed Daemons and uttered forth Destruction and Knowledge.
Primordial Vaults (Source of the World Tree, provides access to Core Manifold)
The Essences of all motion in Existence, the source of all will in the Aether and the motive force of all Magick through the Gates. Ten in total, each attributed a direction and divided through the World Tree.
Cube of Metatron (Manifestation Pattern and Geometric Link)
Arrangement of the Elements and the origin of the Sacred Geometry of Creation itself, the schematic for how the Essences of the Primordial Vaults behave when they interact with Creation to form new Realities.
Yggdrasil the World Tree (Vertical Axis with the Cardinal Directions
Bounding territories of the Primordial Vaults to allow stability and operation of the Essentia to create new Realities or manipulate existing ones. Allows further operating systems to be extracted from the Vaults.
Vectors of Creation (octahedral links from Ensigns of Creation to the Enigmatic Core)
Web of collapsing directional linkages to allow the circulation of Essentia and Aether through Existence, causing the Paradigmatic Currents of Existence to be navigable to enable more control by the operator.
Eight Climates/Ogdoad (Eight Octants of the Cube)
To navigate the Labyrinth, sometimes one has to weave between multiple states of being, these being embodied in the Eight Climates (although far more involved than this in their entirety).
These form the outer construction of the Enigma, more or less serving as an operating system for it, the actual construction of the Enigma utilizes the Four Mysteries: Mirage, Myriad, Manifold, & Monolith.
Mirage of Beeltzebeoul
The Mirage is a phenomenon first mentioned in Craig Williamâs âInto the Desertâ a work on Desert Gnosticism infused with Eastern Philosophy. The Mirage is a distortion that blurs the boundaries between Realities creating a haze between the viewer and any insight gained from their Gnosis. Essentially it is a slur of personal fancy and social preferences which stain the viewerâs perception of the Mysteries.
Myriad of Baalphaegore
The Myriad is a dazzling menagerie in the mirror house between the viewer and any true progress in the path. Quadrillions upon quadrillions of possible directions, but which are mere reflections, which lead closer to the Enigmatic Core, and which spell out disaster for all who cross them despite being dressed as idyllic dreamworlds.
Manifold of Leviathan
The Manifold is how the Enigmatic Core perfuses Luminiferous Essentia (Luminiferous Aether infused with Essence from the Vis of a Primordial Vault) through the Myriad of Existence. This is the central operating complex of the Enigma which the Magus uses to reconfigure the system to make progress in the Labyrinth to approach the center of the Enigmatic Core, the Vestibule of Twilight.
Monolith of Setathanen
The Monolith is an Absolute Construct, one of the few in Existence; it is the core of the Divine Constructs, the operating system of Existence itself which allows the very nature of Creation to be altered. This Absolute Construct engages the Manifold to control the operating mode of Existence, allowing the automatic movement of Essentia to involve every corner of Existence in the operations of the Magus.
Understanding the Enigma is the first major step to understanding how Realities mask themselves and how the Labyrinth is actually structured. In navigating any maze it is first useful if not utterly essential to at least understand how it is constructed to contextualize how to make progress through it. The structure of the Primordial Vaults (including why this matters) and the purpose of the Labyrinth are coming next.
As always, thank you for your time and attention, and keep seeking.
Ave Nechash Hekadmoni Ha-Aur She-Ain Bo Mechshavah
Ave Abyssos, et Ave Archdaemonum
Are you familiar whit the eus Cohen sistem ,? Too many theories,and rumors, and the knights of lights ,rumors say the have the authentic teachings who pretty much is the Gran daddy of all the offshots we know as masonic rosacruz etc,I ask because itâs has a few very private lodges,and u must be a certain level to join them bcse of the knowledge you will get
Center of the Labyrinth of Pandora
The Labyrinth is an ancient symbol, dating back thousands of years of tradition and mystery. Its use in Greek Mythology as the prison of the legendary monstrous son of Minos, the Minotaur, and the role of the soon-to-be bride of the hero who would slay him, the wise princess Ariadne, are directly tied to the Callis Magorum as a recurring motif due to the Enigma and the placement of Baâalphaegore as the High God turned monster that roams the mysteries of the treacherous path towards its center. What is not mentioned in the story of Theseus and the Labyrinth of the Minotaur but is included in the Mysteries is the little girl that roams the halls of the maze just out of sight of the creature, and the golden insect inside the jar she keeps close to her at all times.
To understand why these Ancient Greek stories bear such significance to the Great Work, we must first delve into their implications as they are seen by the Callis Magorum and these vary from the traditional telling of their stories.
The Gnostic Pandora
The story of the beautiful but tragically dimwitted woman cursed with curiosity who was told never to open a mysterious box filled with the woes of the world is a modern adaptation of the story of Pandora. The implications of the original story that a woman blessed with both beauty and knowledge was the origin of all the misery of the world did not sit well with modern audiences and for good reason, but there is a depth to the original version that goes beyond the simple and highly misleading premise that beauty + intelligence = evil is the meaning of the story.
It should be noted that Pandora is noted in the story as the first woman, the name Pandora implies that she was the âAll Giftedâ, and as far as the Callis Magorum is concerned this is the understatement of the eon. It is one thing to be entirely gifted while bearing the woes of the world, it is another thing to be gifted with the entirety of the world including all the woes inherent to that world. It should also be noted that the vessel was emptied of all its contents when opened except for one golden insect, Elpis the Spirit of Hope. If you take this world interpretation that Pandora opening the vessel released the world, then that means that all that is left out of this world is Hope, and that wherever She is, She still carries all the hope in the world in Her vessel.
The concept that Pandora is some form of Creatrix seems bizarre until you realize that the Gnostics already told this story just not with Pandora and with no implication that the Creatrix was ever an earthly being, this calls to the stage the Great Aeoness of Wisdom, Sophia. The story of Sophia is a classic tale of hubris leading to suffering and sacrifice, but without which the world would never have been created. The story goes that Sophia of Wisdom and Her Syzygy, Pistis of Faith, looked upon the majesty of the Absolute Heaven, the Pleroma, and wanted a world of their own, and so they attempted Creation on their own, in doing so creating a world separate from the Pleroma. This separate world was removed from the All, thus the Gnostics considered it evil, filled with suffering due to being removed from the Divine Grace of the Pleroma.
These two stories may seem different until one realizes that when Sophia created the world She created a world filled with woe, removed from Divine Hope. If this recurring mention of a world created without hope sounds hauntingly familiar, that is probably because of the infamous line from the Divine Comedy, âAbandon all Hope, all ye who enter here,â inscribed over the Gates of Hell in Canto III of Danteâs Inferno. The Gnostics believed the world was Hell, that Heaven was with God in the Pleroma, and that the only way out of this Hell was to deny this world in its entirety, that refusing the woes would allow in only the peace and grace attainable through the Divine still in Pleroma some of which carried over by Sophia and Pistis when they created the world.
When the two stories are combined, a larger narrative starts to unfold, one that slates Pandora as not just a cunning woman who unleashes misery on the world because of the Gods making her cunning (this referencing Sophia embodying Wisdom) and Sophia as not just an evil mastermind trying to one-up God. This is the first of many pieces into how this story truly unfolds and how it fits into the Mysteries, but first another myth needs to be addressed.
Inside the Labyrinth of the Minotaur
The tale of the infamous maze created by Daedalus to house the monstrous progeny of King Minosâ manipulated wife and a bull is an iconic tale, but there are a few mysteries hidden underneath that require taking another look.
First, it should be noted that the hero who slayed the Minotaur, Theseus, did not do so alone; he was aided by a princess, Ariadne, who gave him a spool of thread to find his way out of the maze upon killing the legendary beast. After slaying the Minotaur, Theseus is only mentioned in one other myth as to why he is imprisoned in the Underworld for trying to steal Persephone, meanwhile Ariadne, who was promptly left behind by Theseus after he was acknowledged for his heroism, became the bride of Dionysus and was featured in funerary art with Her divine lover in Greece for hundreds of years.
Second, it should also be noted that in some versions of the story, the Minotaur had a name, Asterion, and that when he was slain, he would become Taurus. This interpretation links the Minotaur to the celestial, and by extension the Divine. When one considers that the Labyrinth of the Minotaur is a reference to the Enigma where the Minotaur is the monstrous remnant of Baâalphaegore deprived of His Divine Heart, transfigured into a bull headed chimera, this Divine connection makes perfect sense. So if Ariadne, bride of Dionysus from the Funerary Mysteries, guided Theseus out of the domain of an Archdaemon after returning Him to the Heavens, then Her role in conjunction with Dionysus becomes clear as a Orphic figure leading souls back from the otherworldly domains Dionysus leads His followers (or any proponent of the Mysteries) into. As these stories are woven together, a process starts to become apparent, this leads directly into the Four Grand Rites within the Great Work.
Third, there is this mysterious woman in the Labyrinth who is endlessly pursued by the Minotaur, but who eternally eludes him, bearing a vessel containing the only spark of light in His dark world, the Spirit of Hope. The Labyrinth is both in the Underworld and in our world, as they are one and the same, this world is the Abyss. Our world lies within Pandoraâs Vessel, yet outside it; the Pyxis carried by Pandora in the Labyrinth does not contain the inside of the Vessel, it contains the outside of it where the Golden Insect of Hope can be found. Elpis is the key to this configuration, the missing piece of the puzzle that leads the way through the Labyrinth. Pandora is the remnant of Sophia that seeks the bliss of Her origin, lost in a maze of Her own creation. For all Her wisdom, She was undone by Knowledge and thus created the World of Death where Hope was left behind.
The Center of the Maze
In all this talk of the maze, there is one key component missing, the greatest mystery in every labyrinth, what lies at its center. Even in the Labyrinth of the Minotaur it was never implied that the Minotaur lied at its center; after all, the halls of the maze were its hunting ground for the seven sacrifices chosen by King Minos. At the center of the Labyrinth of Pandora that weaves through all of the Enigma is a gate, the Apeiron Theognosticum, the Epochal Gate of the Gods. To understand this gate and how these pieces link together, the Apeiron of Chaos and Chronos must be understood including how they are connected to the Primordial Vaults. These connections are best made apparent after taking a more in depth look at the structure of the Primordial Vaults, which is coming next.
Thank you for bearing with me through this unveiling, there is more to unravel here, but this is the meat and potatoes of the context for these myths in the Mysteries. Keep seeking my friends.
Ave Nechash Hekadmoni Ha-Aur She-Ain Bo Mechshavah
Ave Abyssos, et Ave Archdaemonum.
Hello all, back from a long hiatus dealing with mental health after military service. One ex-husband, almost a year studying Greek, and one move to the American Midwest later, and Iâm back!
This will be a fairly brief entry, but longer ones to come. For now, looking over the old material Iâve posted here, I can honestly say I have experienced the fourfold divide of existence firsthand. Through the course of several inpatient lockdowns and almost two years without a home to call my own, I gained an appreciation for the little sanctuaries scattered throughout the noosphere that kept my head above water.
Collapsing mental health has a way of showing just how puzzling reality can be. In my experience of this Sacred Madness, I have seen more of this puzzle. The only reality now consistent throughout has been my love of the Daemonic, and through this I made it through to a much better place in life.
Sharing what I have been shown through my forays into nightmarish insanity will be no easy feat, but I believe this Sacred Madness was the true awakening of my spiritual path, and all with the intention of providing inspiration. I realize this is somewhat a deviation from my usual format on here, but I suppose one thing I have always loved about this community is the mutual understanding of just how powerful deviation can be.
Ave Nekash Hekadmoni Ha-Aur She-Ain bo Machshavah.
Ave Abyssos, Ave Archdaemonium, et Ave Baâalphaegoras
Xaire Beleth, Xaire Dionysus, kai Xaire Ola Esi.
Welcome back brother! Glad that you are, this is one the best posts in the forum.
Fascinating! Glad this one got a bump.
Iâm pretty familiar with modern and classical Rosicrucianism and early to modern Gnosticism en Hermeticism. This is pretty new to me. Or at least the wide and in depth information of these 4 prime concepts of the physical reality. Not very strange, since there are way too many schools of thought and weird little divisions to be familiar with them all. Up to beliefs about evil sex-gnomes that live in Earthâs core ^^
All I do know, as a little footnote, that as far as I know classical Rosicrucianism predates Martinism by about a century. That is just my input in a bit of a academic sense. It doesnât change anything about the value of the content, of course.
I always have a little trouble with (gnostic) schools of thought that focus on changing or even fighting against something in the physical or even cosmic realms in order to create some divine utopia. In my personal opinion, itâs a grave misunderstanding of how this cosmos works, how light attracts darkness and darkness inspires light etc. Everything balances and compliments each other in the end. I think this is what they understood a lot better philosophically in systems like Taoism, than western esoterism and mysticism.
As for these four Arch demons or prime/ primordial concepts or constructs. Very interesting! I can already think of a bunch of ways how to incorporate this in my spiritual practice.
Awesome!!! Quick recovery!!!
Transmitting the Infinite
The Primordial Archdaemons can be seen as fonts of reality itself. Each individualâs path causes them to gravitate moreso to one of them over the others, greatly influencing the progress of their initiation into spiritual and Divine reality.
Baâalphaegore, âEarthenâ Reality of Omnipresence
Magick from His reality is driven by connection, driven by a pursuit of Henosis where there are no limits if you are connected to everything. There is a focus on the construction of the spiritual landscape itself promoting exploration in order to expand boundaries into domains of greater and greater capacity and existing in a state of near constant receptivity. The worldview of a Baâalphaegorian is likely to lean heavily towards Pantheism, meaning the Divine is the Cosmos itself, and Animism, meaning everything has a soul and thus an inherent nature unto itself.
This is the Archdaemon most present in my reality, hence why Iâm so focused on bridging the gaps and completing a sort of comprehensive picture in order to grow in power. This is also tied to a broad perspective that is able to step outside of one mindset of reality, or Paradigm, into another and back in a very short amount of time. This is why my path often manifests as kind of like an existential Easter egg hunt.
Beeltzebeoul, âFieryâ Reality of Omnipotence
Where Magick from Baâalphaegoreâs reality is driven by capacity, the reality of Beeltzebeoul is driven by sheer intensity. The concept of a spiritually stoked inner fire being the source of oneâs own power and expressing that power as much as desired is a central focus of Beeltzebeoulian Magick. Fire symbolism is literally everywhere for this Archdaemonâs spiritual reality, it would not be a stretch to say that this reality frames everything as energy, which has a great deal of truth to it, not that this truth would be of much significance for the Beeltzebeoulian.
Baâalphaegore and Beeltzebeoul have in common the concept that exact knowledge or truth is not entirely necessary to be connected to Magick. For Beeltzebeoul, what matters is how inspiring, motivating, activating, and furthermore energizing a reality is, even if the Gnosis from this reality has a few fundamental flaws that are overlooked in its usage. This can be a source of tension between a Beeltzebeoulian and a Leviathanian who tend to focus on the importance of accuracy regardless of how uninspiring or disempowering that reality is.
Leviathan, the âWateryâ Reality of Omniscience
While Baâalphaegore and Beeltzebeoul are the Twins of the Archdaemons, whose realities are kindred to one another and align fairly well because of this. Leviathan is the first of the two Lovers of the Archdaemons, and as shown before, tend to actually clash and dampen the spikes in power in the realities of Her sons. She is much like a moderator and developer for a game, coming in routinely to fix balance issues if the gameplay is too easy or difficult based on what it allows the players to get away with. The focus for Leviathan is Truth as an essential source of Magick, hence aligning with Gnostic paradigms well. The concept of Knowledge as Power is fundamental for the Leviathanian to have influence in their reality, information being an armor, shield, and spear for their efforts as they navigate the world.
While Baâalphaegore manifests a sort of gender fluidity with ties to the Divine Feminine in Their ability to create within Their reality, Baâalphaegore would not necessarily be an Archdaemoness, unlike Their mother who does. The Path of a Leviathanian may also have an emphasis on Goddess worship, working with Lilith, as well as possibly focusing on the Jungian Archetypes of the Queen, Priestess, and Enchantress, as well as the Triple Goddess Archetypes of the Mother, Maiden, and Crone. I have also noticed that Leviathan seems to be impartial to Khemet and working through/with the Egyptian Pantheon, but this may be more a preference than a fundamental link for those who draw Magick from Her reality.
With Leviathan there is also a focus on the true names of things, being the source of where the Exorcists learned that the best way to have power over a spirit was to call out their true name in the process of subjugation. Unfortunately, I consider this to be a byproduct of the inherent neutrality these realities present where it is not only those who work with the Daemonic to have use of its connections.
Satethan, the âAerialâ Reality of Omnivolence
Last of the Four Archdaemons of Reality is Satethan, complement among the two Lovers as Leviathanâs spiritual companion. Satethanâs reality emphasizes knowing as essential for liberation, though not necessarily relying on fundamental truths like His partner. Unlike His partner, Satethanâs reality is also empowered by the impression of knowledge as a source of influence over others; the idea being that understanding how people perceive truth is as essential as the truth itself and using this as a key part of their Magick from His reality. Paths focusing on Liberation or at the very least tenets from these paths, including Luciferianism, Satanism, as well as Thelema where there is an emphasis on mastering oneâs expression of their entire spiritual will. Philosophies emphasizing Enlightenment can also be of great appeal or use for the Satethanist, especially if exact knowledge is not as necessary as understanding the big picture of existence and using this understanding to master their reality.
To Satethan, the extant of oneâs influence, Magickal or otherwise, is determined by what extent the individual is able to exist within their own ordered reality, independent of whatever preconceptions or natural principles may be barring their path. It is important here to note that defiance of established reality will greatly increase the effort necessary to enact whatever working the Satethanist may have in mind. As long as there is a sufficient bypass or exception due to application, this required work can be reduced depending on the extent of the workaround.
Being that Satethan is the Archdaemon of the Air Principle which is tied to thought and intention when directing oneâs will for a particular working, it should come as little surprise that there is a strong pull for the Satethanist towards schools of thought much like Mentalism and even Holographic Universe Theory. Magick systems built from such premises tend to emphasize the alteration of the Collective Unconscious, often via altering the individualâs perception of a reality.
Another crucial aspect of realities built off of Satethan is that there is often an adversarial influence in how the world is established, and that using a system from His reality may have polarizing effects on the individualâs development towards favoring one side of a disputed belief whilst also increasingly opposing another. Self-awareness is crucial in working with Magick predicated upon will, otherwise there is an escalating potential for the individual to be piloted by the wills and intentions of another force, and usually this is not Satethan but some other entity also empowered by His established reality.
These schemas of Magick are intended for use as a tool for growth in oneâs practice by considering what aspect of oneâs practice is acted upon in order to induce a change in oneâs reality. This system may also help in cooperative Magick, since if all parties reach an understanding not to require the same piloting force behind their rituals, then there can be greater room for collaboration and reinforcement in the future for all parties involved.
I hope this post finds you all well, it has been something of a rollercoaster, even tapered by the meds, but itâs good to be back and posting again.
Ave Nekash Hekadmoni Ha-Aur She-Ain bo Machshavah
Ave Abyssos, Ave Archdaemonium, et Ave Baâalphaegoras
Xaire Beleth, Xaire Dionysus, kai Xaire Ola Esi.