Bune for multiple requests

Hi everyone,

I have another newbie question regarding evocations.

I would like to evoke Bune for help with finding a job (for myself) and success with two businesses my family is starting. From my research on this forum, it seems as though one evocation for each result will yield the best results as the more specific the better. It seems a little much to evoke Bune three times, however.

Does anyone have experience with multiple requests during a single evocation? I would appreciate any advice :slight_smile: Thank you in advance!


You can ask for multiple requests in one evocation. The spirits of the Goetia all have legions and familiars they delegate to.


Yeah, multiple requests in one evocation session is alright.


Thanks everyone! Will it be okay even if my request for a job (in healthcare) and success in family businesses (hospitality & foods) are completely unrelated?

You can make multiple requests in evocation, as others have said, but you may want to do a separate ritual for each situation - your job-search, and your family’s business-affairs. If you cannot summarize your desire into a single sentence, then it’s generally a good idea to perform multiple workings, in my opinion.

I usually only make multiple requests if they are all related to the same general situation, and if the demon has multiple powers they can apply to the situation. It’s not that the demons lack the power to cause more changes, but that your desire must be clear and strong for them to know what to do.

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Out if curiosity, they all need to generally be requests around the same rough goal right?

Not necessarily, but they should be within the spirit’s power set.


Interesting! So hypothetically I could ask a spirit to help with a certain task, then issue a second one that is completely unrelated? I was under the impression that spirits got pissed if you did that.

Thanks man!

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You may tray something like "Ok, I have three things to ask you. First [very detailed idea of your job], second [very deailed idea about the first business] and third, [very detailed idea about the other business]. That way you’ll be clear.

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Or you can simply use Necronomicon and under 50 names of Marduk simply choose Barashakushu or Ziku.
Here on BALG you can find user experiences on Necronomicon.
No hussle at all.
All best at your job hunting :pray:

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Thanks so much everyone! As I am a newbie at evocations, I’m going to see how comfortable I feel about visualizing my requests all at once. If not, I may take the separate route. It’s so nice to hear experiences and advice from seasoned magicians :smile: