Breakup spell using Sigil

This entire forum has many spells, more than you would find in a book. I had NO books when I began magick - and the secret to power does not lie in any one book.

Please just try searching for breakups spells on here using the magnifying glass icon like this > :mag: and then post to ask questions when you have found some. :+1:

That really sucks then, but as @Lady_Eva pointed out, there are many spells on here for many many different things, you just need to search the forum.

There is also this, it’s a basic ritual for working with spirits, it can be very effective

Then there is also this that you can try, it may be very effective for you and many beginners start with it

When I started out I just did random shit from the internet, although a book can be a big help to start getting results from magick, but it is really not necessary. I’ve known people that got amazing results from Chaos Magick Sigils the first time they tried it, even though personally I’ve always had a hard time getting Chaos Magick Sigils to work myself, so try out different things and see what works best for you. You can also find many spells on youtube as well.