Break blood magick from stolen blood

I assume that they didn’t stole your tampons directly but went through the trash to get them?
I wouldn’t worry in this case because 1. period blood is already a “rejected item” of your body (a severed link, if you will) and 2. the blood in question was already old and exposed to trash, therefore not really infused with anything valuable anymore.

If you want to make REALLY sure you could get creative and just go for a cord cutting ritual from your old period blood, cleansing energetical links and such


They definitely done something because my magick is coming back only for them but they’re the ones who are fkn with me and stole my blood.
No they like legit went in my vagina while I was passed out drunk.
I’m seriously thinking they drank my blood, they are wine drinkers. But like whyyyyyy would they do this? They are definitely linked to me and I do not want them to be. I’ll definitely try the cord cutting with blood, I do it all the time without blood.
Ok then so if it’s not the blood, how do I break their defenses and keep the magick from coming back to me with them?
Any other magick I do is fierce. I don’t get it.
This guy kept bringing me bs drama and I got fEd up with dealing with his shit constantly and he got hit by a car when he left my house the other night.
Yet I do magick on them and it hits me. Which I’m a soldier, I can take it …but I’d rather it not lol and do as I willed it to do.

Sounds like deflective shieldings to me, you will probably work your way around those before you’re starting any new workings on them. Anything else could lead to some kind of energetic ping pong otherwise, with no satisfying outcome.

Otherwise you could try to put them into a freezer:

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Thank you. I know how to do a freezer spell but I figured that would be weak for something like this.
Ok, another question. What can I do to strengthen my defenses against them? Which spirits would be best for this? Or which types of exercises would work best for shielding?
Also, ok they must have cords to me, so instead of cutting them, how can I send energy through the cords back at them?

Just wanted to share a couple pics here for anyone who can SEE :wink: :dragon:

If you’re currently not in the position to land hard hits against them because of their shieldings you’ll have to weaken the enemies defenses and stall their next steps. If they are not able to act or to re-organize their steps they are vulnerable.

Something along the lines of this:

For example Great President Malphas or King Vine (both are experts at building and destroying defenses)

You could try to go over the “return to sender” route with the existing link (if you type “return to sender” into the search bar you will come up with a lot of tried and tested approaches)

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Ok I got you. See that’s what I thought intuitively, I knew to layer it, which I did. What I didn’t realize is that they were shielded. I still feel like my blood plays an important role in this.
I’m going to check out those links and see what I can come up with.
Another thing, I do not know all people involved but I do know several. Do I have to know all of their names for the freezer spell or for the other things? Or can it just be generic like “those working harmful magick against me” or something of that nature?
Like this shit is pissing me off to the point of no return.
They’re fucking with me online too with different profiles. I know it’s to strengthen the connection. But like at the same time I’m just feeding the shit with my anger. And I understand that. But at the same time it’s kinda hard for me to control at times.
Any other recommendations on strengthening my own defense or tearing theirs all the way down?
If I had someone else do it for me would it work the same way? Like is it solid shielding for everyone? Or is it just magickal workings against my magick to them, in general?

Magick aside, they took the tampon out of your vagina while you where passed out. That is sexual assualt may the intent be magick or sexual doesnt matter. In the eyes of the law that is what it is. Imagine in a courtroom them explaining we just wanted to drink period blood. Goes great with a cab wtf, then theyre incel pedos fuck these people. Now I am not a snitch and generally disdain police but attack them on a reality level too. If theyre trying to contact you just say you are talking to an attorney. Now proof is hard to come by I presume doubt there was a camera. You word against x amount. If they text definitely mention they did this in detail “while i was passed out…” and if they admit they did this, get a screen shot. You now have proof boom. Any questionable things screen shot, because they clearly are fucked up and a judge would sode with you.

Now I am not telling you, you should or shouldnt take it to trial. But if you got proof and strings of text displaying their character. Strings of text of harrasment etc. They are guilty, magick aside you could make their life hell. Now they can do all the magick they want but how strong will it be if theyre in fear of a knock from police or a supena. They all know the kind of people they are. Sick people ban together, but you now hold evidence and it will rattle their minds. And the sheilds will weaken with no magick involved. They may try and retaliate, but in your mind you won. I repeat you won, walk around with a shit eating grin when you think of them. Act as if they have been dealt with and you won. Act as if revenge was served…and it will be. Dont know your path but plan attacks carefully.

Egrygores may be your best attack, not sure if you fuck with chaos but they are not spells but entities of your making. They cannot be turned against you. Only you can kill them, if they are worried about a potential court apperance where they have to explain to the public they drank period blood they will be off their game. If you want to throw some goeatia in this stew we got going here. Maybe Ose I have never worked with him but he seems to be a destructive wild card. Belial also would be solid. If you have an entitie you call on for guidance thats a good place to start. I know for me lucifer will send me other entities when i call based on my needs. Shit hes a busy dude but a true homie and has so much knowledge.

But your best defense you won, in your mind if you won you will. Emotion the latin route is energy in motion. Your energy become matter. I will keep you in my thoughts and throw energy your way.

Shit you can tell this incel pedo group they are blowing up on a forum lol. Incels hate being cancelled, if they think they will be canceled in magick they will cry.


Thank you A_Pariah :black_heart:

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No, you don’t have to know their names :slight_smile:

I can’t answer that from my own experience, I suppose that for now your safest route apart from yourself doing the work would be a spirit or a servitor and not another person (since you are not sure who is currently involved into your situation and I wouldn’t advise on creating “new links” with others for the time of your current problem).


The first indicates the source of your poor defenses: unless someone forced you to get drunk in questionable company, you allow it.

As above so below, as within so without, are not just cute platitudes: they are real.

The outward manifestation of your poor defenses is that you allowed yourself to be defenceless and vulnerable in the presence of enemies that took advantage of this strategic error to attack you. This will be reflected in the inner realties.

So the very first thing to do, is make sure this can never ever happen again, as both a practical and a magickal act. You must send a message to yourself and the universe that you are not one who can be in vulnerable position exposed to invaders, on any level, period.

It’s not beneficial to merely fight the symptoms instead of fixing the problem: Go to the source of why they want to attack you, and fix that. Otherwise you’ll just end up in a witch war that can last years.

This is why binding spells like the freezer spell are far from weak. What they are is subtle, which is not the same thing. Stop them from wanting to attack you in the first place. Or you cause chaos through someone like Andras so they become distracted and too busy elsewhere to care about you.

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Like I’m all about personal freedom and shit and I don’t tell people how to live, normally. But these people are fucking molesting and raping children and women and getting women from nuthouses and taking their checks and doing sick shit to them. I did tell on them. To the Chief over the Native American church that they’re a part of. He done nothing. So I reported it to like five or six different places and gave their names. Which is mostly why they done this.
I’m not going into much detail here but they knew who I was before I did and they sought me out. I’ll leave it at that. There’s a lot more to it, but that’s a whole different story and I’m not sure if this is the place to discuss it.
They’re some sick ass people. They done this for like six months before I realized what was happening. I told them I was waking up without a tampon. They made me think I was tripping, I was drinking hard at the time and so yeah I’d pass out, I’m sure my period blood was not all they were after. It was a house full of men. They’re all left hand path. They pretty much gave me anything I wanted. But yeah, the fine print. Like idk wtf but there were no locks on the doors and so I was like I’m going to prove they are coming in. So I put a square bottle in front of the door and when I woke up the next morning it was against the wall. They denied coming in. I group chatted the owner, this was at a spiritual community, to make everyone aware of why I was not at their stupid fucking meeting and why I’m packing my stuff to leave. Which he denied. They won’t own up to any of it. I had two children come to me (I’m an empath) and tell me they were raped by a broom. I was seeing their father. I quit seeing him and reported it. I also done magick against them after I left in order to protect those children and the girls from the psychiatric hospital that they had there and another with children was coming.
Those men hate women, for one. It’s obvious and I think they hated me the most but in some sick fucking way they wanted to um, see what I see , and be connected to me on a deeper level than was for my liking. Like I never slept with any of them, they had no fucking right doing any of it and it makes me sick thinking about this shit honestly. I hope they all fucking die. Because it’s not just me they’re doing it to but I’m the only one who sees through their bs.
I went through a phase where I was like they’re just doing shit to heal me, they’re sending dark energy my way to see what I can do, they’re trying to help. But then I’m like fuck that dude people like that there’s nothing good in them, so that’s just them pushing thoughts my way.
So idk what the police done to them but I reviewed the church online for all to see. They rape people at ceremony. So it’s the whole fucking group. Not just the ones I dealt with specifically. But when I was there like all the dudes were wanting to come there, it was fkn just creepy. They can’t get laid so they have to take it. Like not just in person but astrally. Makes me sick.
I can tell when they’re doing shit because I sense the dark energy in others and it’s obvious. I’ll have people following me. I don’t have weapons but I was walking with a bottle of lye when I go to the store bc it was getting intense. :joy: I can laugh now but look have you ever seen a melted face? Ha.
People get off on sick shit.
Me, I get off on fucking those types up.
And it’s going to happen if I have to go to Missouri and knock on their fucking doors by myself.

Mulberry, I just said why they attacked me in the response I just typed. Yes, I did it to myself. I get that. I can’t undo what’s been done.
I got raped and my blood stole. I done what anyone would do.
And I definitely can’t go back to the beginning and undo that either. Hence BAM. It is what it is. :woman_shrugging:
My thing now is just trying to figure out how to guard myself against their attacks. Which are fucking pathetic actually and just piss me off. Otherwise it’s harmless, just aggravating stuff and nothing I can’t bounce back from.
Whoever it is mostly fucking with me is a jealous dude because he’s running off any men who try to get close to me.
I quit drinking behind that, so it helped me in that respect.
I just need to know how to weaken their defenses to fuck them off. And how to protect myself from their attacks. This has been going on for quite a while and they’re not going to stop. My magick is coming right back with them, but with others it hits dead center and full force. But they’ve messed with me and had me warring against people who were not involved. I think trying to get me completely alone. But I guess they don’t realize my strength doesn’t come from others anyway. I’m alone 24/7.
I’m just really tired of this pissing war and want to end it.
They came to me when I was 33. :dragon:

The thing is that it’s my word against theirs. I can’t say they’re using magick to hurt people and I would look stupid about my tampons because I have no proof. Idk where my tampons are though I feel they have it at his house, I could do magick for it to turn up then I’d have proof. But otherwise nothing will happen to them.
I walk the left hand path. But I think it’s fucking pathetic at BEST for people to prey on the innocent. The ones who are defenseless. And to exploit people. That’s not power it’s fucking WEAKNESS.
I can say that I FKED up and let my guard down because I thought these were ok people. I was wrong. Lesson learned.
I don’t drink anymore.

That’s evident, that’s why I said, stop attacking the symptoms, that is only sustaining this. You’re matched, you’re like two boxers who will end up in a draw after exhausting themselves going 20 rounds.

So… some dude you don’t know who must be jealous? Why don’t you know who this is? Or is this an assumption?

You can just keep reacting, and draw this out until someone stops caring and it’ll finally peters out, or you can go around and get at the source.

I don’t think you need to know who that is exactly for a binding, you can represent them all with one poppet or jar. Or a death spell.

For good ideas for baneful work and death magick try E.A. Koetting’s book Baneful Magick.

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I’m fairly certain that they are more pissed off than me. They can do a number of things to me but death isn’t one.

Mulberry, I did do a death spell. Which here I am, still kicking and shit. But everything else has bounced back.
What I did: out them to their church and spiritual community, and to the authorities for raping people and molesting children and for what they done to me. As well as abusing disabled women from the nut wards. I have no idea what happened to them in regards to it. I can’t undo that and wouldn’t if I could. They deserve exactly what I intend to give them. Which is a two in one, if I must say so myself. Can’t fill from an empty cup but my cup is full. :wink:
I’ve been breaking from magick but tonight when everyone sleeps I’m going to do the freezer thing and some stuff y’all recommended.
They’re messing with me on Facebook with fake profiles. Like who has that much time in the world to just fuck with me nonstop? :joy:
The jealous dude is someone I know. Could be my ex who is a shaman over the church. Or could be this Jesus looking guy who I met when I was 33 who also knows them. One or the other. The shaman is who brought me to this house of his friends. The Jesus looking dude lives like five minutes away. This is in Missouri. I met the Jesus looking guy in Louisiana. Shits been weird af since I met him.
If I told this whole story, no fucking one would believe me. Hands down.

I say it must be a jealous dude because:
1…they’re having sex with me in spirit
2…when I have been around men, I’m getting serious bad vibes and energetically I sense a shitton of dark energy around. To the point of it will be the whole store against the dude but I sense it.

Which tells me someone is jealous. Or hey either the spirits I work with don’t want me around men.
And I know it’s a person because they comment random obvious comments on my Facebook when I’m being touched sexually.

Why on Earth can he message you on FB?

(Why are you even on fb, most of it is energetic cesspit, it’s very design is meant to get in the way of ascension.)

Blocking people on fb also sends a clear message and can be part of a magickal act.

If you don’t want to get shot at, get out of the firing line.

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They use fake profiles. I’m deleting it.

Look, I need help.
This could be a good reason for the blood thing.

Is there any way to pm you privately?
Or is it only public here?

Because I have some deeper questions and insight that might make this make a lot better sense.
If I have to put it here I will. I’ve been debating about it but I created a new post in general discussion if you want to take a peek. I’d appreciate it.