Book on reincarnation and soul stuff with ERIESH’TAETOHL

For the longest while I been wanting to make a grimoire with him revealing all the knowledge that he offers:

He is from the book of azazel for those who don’t know him.

(Hence why you see I added azazel’s sigil)

It seems we already started picking things up into motion I started out by invoking him so he can flood me with the actual knowledge to transcribe into this book along with any illustrations I received.

Kicking it off with the first page of the book I ended up drawing his sigil. How I saw him. Repeated his name all around the page and rubbed a lot of blood around the page.

Hope you enjoy and learn a lot and value this knowledge as much as I will!


It seems with everything we will be learning, I will be transcribing everything in a specific order from the most important and valuable things to know and learn that he has to share starting from the beginning. “The pre existence of the human soul” starting out with how it can be perceived. And this is what he had for me:

I was pushed to write the entire book in such a way where there are no spaces. The ones that don’t pay close attention are “too much of a beginner to comprehend such things. You can’t read word for word what is an actually there” and you’d be able to tell cause you wouldn’t be able to pick out each word separately.

But I’ll help you out for all these pages lol.

“ the pre existent state of the human soul is not an illustratable constructed concept. For you are energy and energy alone. Do not think for one foolish second that your life both begins and ends with your physical body. Cut the limiting mindset fool. You are spiritually immortal and physically mortal. Your past lives are only dictated by both the birth and the passing and re materialization of the complicated and oh so divinely and precisely constructed energy matrix birth’d by source to be bound from the ether as the head of the new psyche; the soul of the human body before the physical body even manifests within the womb, your soul always has. And always will be.”

Again just going into why the human soul itself is so difficult to perceive. I personally found this interesting myself. I hear as I write and I write exactly what I hear.


We are on a roll to the next page where he discusses the reincarnation process, passing through source onto the next physical earthly life form.

“For you are not born from source. You are a fragment of source. As you know we can extract and move various energies from source. Souls can move as well.” (This seems to date back on we are energy and energy alone) “ soul shifts its mirrored image out one physical body into another between birth and death. In between this state is where your soul shifts either to the after life” (the astral) “ or the revolving motion your soul switches between soul and back to physical” (reincarnation. Both depicted on your will and beliefs)

Leaving the psyche from the physical out to soul after death and then revolving right back to the physical for rebirth? Almost makes the “recycle bin” saying make more sense to me. Heard someone on here refer to reincarnation as a recycle bin in that after death we are just thrown into this big bin only to be re used again. In another physical body. That’s what I get from this.

“With precise and complete knowledge and control over all your spiritual bodies, (soul travel. So almost if not complete mastery over omnipresence I’m assuming. ) “one may be able to take pilot of reincarnation. Able to move over to plant, animal, human. Or any other earthly life form. The act of reserving your spot after death.”

I’m already learning a crap ton and we only filled out a page and a half of this entire book.


Thanks for sharing this gnosis.

Uncannily, this information is practically identical to what I learned when I pathworked with numerous Azazelian entities.

Especially how our religious or spiritual practices we perform here in life (will and beliefs) affect the kind of afterlife experience we have post-mortem.

Keep it coming!