Hello there, I had my first experience with the Black Flame Meditation. As I was meditating, I start to sweating a little bit for some reason. After I finished, my right arm was cold and my left a little hot and I felt some tingling and pinch in my right arm, as well in the left hand. What was that ? It was my aura, my etheric body or something ?
*Note something, I had full mental clarity while I was meditating !!! I was perfectly still and concentrated.
For me, sometimes when I channel a spirit or call, or even sometimes a simple meditation with eyes open can trigger a food imbalance. Very annoying, perhaps it is your case. I suspect it is, because one harm was cold, the other was hot. usually, the entire body has a similar response if we’re dealing with a spirit too close or a spirit attachment or even a start of a possession. Sometimes It can be also a energy reaction, between you and the entity’s energy very close to you.
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Maybe it is the kundalini energy traveling through your body? Your body could be trying to balance out the energy.
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Maybe because, I felt the tingling also behind my right chest…
Ricardo 666 How that’s happens ? This meditation according to Enoch Petrucelli, is supposed to destroy the parasitic entities and other harmful entities in your aura. Also, I felt much better psychologically after this.
My point exactly, some temporary effects due to another presence, if we eat certain foods before (even 2-3 hours before) some foods could have diff. effects. Some food will be triggered or like, having a different vibration. Good to ear you were better after that. I’ll have to consider myself using this meditation, Maybe it will help me. Been attacked yesterday. Perhaps my ego was infiltrated or something. Do you have on hand the meditation guidelines etc. Thank you in advance.
Try it absolutely, also if you have some astral projection technique ?
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Can you share with me the method of meditation you used of Enoch Petrucelli? For the moment I try to use a crystal of blue color to try to decluter my lower mind energy field.
Here is the method:
And the name of the book (you can find it online)
I will do it today. Thank you. I went to see a couple of his videos yesterday. He is inspiring. 666
Thank you.!!!1 and thank you. Enoch has some good videos on youtube. The one I used the most is the ritual he did to curse the arcons. I felt better after seeing the video after the first time. *thanks eternal