Book of Sitra Achra, How to work the Emissaries?

'Ello all, I’m back with another question, or rather looking for confirmation.

I’m basing most of my Qliphothic pathworking from the Book of Sitra Achra by the Temple of Black Light and I’m working through the Emissaries of Nahemoth at the moment.

My interpretation of the Emissaries is that while one is stationed through one particular Qlipha, one conjures each Emissary and petitions them to grant them the lesson they need to learn. I’m doing this by taking one notecard and drawing the 11 pointed star of one of the four worlds I’m working from, Assiah in my case, and then having another notecard with the sigil of the Emissary I’m evoking.

I evoke the Emissary, -which is a world easier than most other spirits, seeing as I’m in a room filled by the Qlipha of theirs- then I asked for it to give me a lesson to guide me along the path.

In this case I conjured Thazazel, who is the fifth Emissary of Nahemoth, who breaks down barriers. Today, I was presented with a semi-strong barrier, which I do not care to get into here, and I broke down that barrier of my own Will. I’m going to evoke Thazazel again tonight, as I still have her card on the 11 pointed star and ask if this was the lesson before I move onto the next Emissary.

I suppose my question is that is this a good way to work down the Tree of Knowledge? My method is that I open the gate of the Qlipha on the first night, I work through the Emissaries one at a time, after which I’ll open the throne of the Qlipha and speak to it’s ruler and get a lesson from them. Then, embark on the path to the next shell.