Blood offering for demons

I’ve heard that blood offerings aren’t a good idea to do. Or any bodily fluids for that matter like semen etc. Why do people do it. I know some people here like doing stuff like that but isn’t that dangerous. Im not saying don’t do it but I’m curious as to what people think about this

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From where?

How is it dangerous, if I may ask? Its not that we like it, but they are good offerings I’ve heard


People who practice blood Magick don’t seem to have a problem. From what I’ve researched which ever entity/entities that you choose to work with will be for lack of a better term tied to your hip. So you can’t go into it like it a game you better be completely sure that this is what you want. There’s no oops I changed my mind.


Nope, from where that comes from ? Blood is vital for plenty of things in the magical operations.


When I use it I do so to strengthen the bond and connection with a spirit. Then, only if it’s something they express a shared interest in.


I think the idea of it being dangerous comes from the idea that you are bonded to said entity for life. Is that bad? Depends on what you’re trying to accomplish . If for some reason your path takes you in another direction, will you have an angry spirit wrecking havoc on your life as a reminder of the bond you made? Idk. Anyone have that happen? Again, intention is key. I’ve used plenty of blood in my work but never yet as an offering, mainly because it wasn’t wanted.

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most of the time i use blood to seal the request with the spirit i am working with.
It shows my confidence into his work, and that i won’t back off!
usually when i want to work with the same spirit a second or third time, the door is already openned.
For me giving my blood is a sign of entire trust.

what do you think? that the spirit will want more and more blood :smiling_imp:? i just prickmy finger, i don’t slice my wrist :joy: