Blocks, Achievement, and Ascent

For the last few months off and on I noticed I kept ‘wasting time’ doing things that were not moving me forward, even though I really enjoyed them.

In searching through some of my old things I found a pile of goals and objectives written out on slips of paper. The majority of the things that have been holding me back were written in runes on those papers, as things I wanted in my life.

I had bound myself to them. I really wanted them at some time in the past. Some are still fun and even useful, but no longer fulfill my needs. I realized that the very things that seemed like blocks and problems in my life were in fact an affirmation of my own power to have life be the way I wanted it.

Upon reaching the summit of the highest peak you know of, it’s ok to stop and enjoy the view for a while. However there is a time to notice the next higher mountain that was un-seeable from your former place, and continue on.

Ascent calls.

[quote=“NariusV, post:1, topic:4609”]The majority of the things that have been holding me back were written in runes on those papers, as things I wanted in my life.

Ascent calls.[/quote]
Great tricky point- and salute on recognizing (things ‘like that’ being what we each have in our blind-spots so tricky to actually see, let alone recog)… the issue, blocking us, or actually “stability” … as when nothing is “blocking” us- things can well be falling-apart.

Feeling completely lost (chaotic flux-unpredictable, lack of control) is sort of the anti-thesis of feeling stuck… -good to have parts in life Fixed-“reliable”… while parts are set-free to flow… but while they are… the whole pattern crumbles.

and just navigate (or surf) jumping back-&-forth between those two… (frost & flame)