Blockages in spells?

So someone mentioned there could be blocks in the spells thats why the communication has died again between me and my ex is this true that this can happen? And how is it fixed?

In my experiences with spell work, blockages were due to negative energy, nervous energy, anxiety or doubt, lusting over results, target fighting the work, etc.

I overcame the blockages by just letting the spell do it’s work. Once the work is done, live like you already have what you want and forget about the work. If communication between you and target slows down, it’s ok. You never know what’s going on with them, they could be busy, maybe they don’t want to talk, you just never know. Just let the spell do the work and continue to be positive.

The thing with spells and working with spirits is, you have to give them time to rearrange things in your life or your target’s life in order to manifest what it is you desire. You won’t be able to see that happening on the target’s end. Communication may have died down because this could be part of the spell trying to manifest. Again, you just never know. Don’t panic and don’t doubt your work. Whether it takes a day, a week, even a month or whatever, you just have to remain confident that once you set your intention and put it out there, your desire or request will manifest. Period. No doubts.


Thanks so much hun

Its just it started to manifest saw the target then it died again… thats why im thinking of blockages but maybe its part of the spell working its been a couple of months since i saw the target or heard from him

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