Black witch vs black magician

You could.

That’s one way.

Another is something like a spell that deflects spells against you that were initiated with or involving element x (let’s say someone used Satan/fire then you could spell so that anything empowered by fire or it’s spirit gets deflected by a shield empowered by water and it’s associated spirit.
And it’s deflection could be spelled to return to sender.

That’s still sort of force vs force but if you want to go that way you could. If you are going that route try something like defense spell deflect spell return to sender sort of thing rather then initiate all out war. The other will likely soon quit if their efforts keep. Coming back and affecting them instead of you.

Add: even if you’re bound you can find a way around it. Say they bind your magick then convince yourself you’re in a play playing a witch in it and then like say as method acting ) if I have the right name for it where the actor in essence become the character for the duration of the play/practice session/recital since the actor becomes a different self during that time the character instead of themselves (though that can be dangerous if an unstable person does it and then forgets they aren’t that character and doesn’t come out of it without external help).

Add: because it’s doubtful they bound character c let’s say your character wizard that you are convincing yourself you are while doing the ritual is called just doe they bound you not John Doe technically so your magick would still work if you were in that moment John Doe doing it not you.

Now I don’t recommend doing a method acting to do magick because it’s dangerous it would be a last resort if you were unable to do rituals because they bound you let’s say your name was John smith because they spelled it so John smith can’t do magick. So don’t do it unless all other options are exhausted (actors have been known to lose themselves doing it and need professional psych help and that’s why it’s
a last resort.

There are always ways around bindings or attacks or spells sent against you. A water spell evaporated by a fire type shielding or vice versa becoming a character doin the ritual instead of you if they bound you by name to be unable to etc. it takes thinking to figure out what’s best as opposed to just slinging the next biggest spirit at them hoping it’s equal or stronger then theirs.

Just chose the easiest least risky option and save
things like method acting for when all other options failed because likely they won’t if you pick the right one like fire v water etc. and then you still have a reserve option if they have a response ready for yours.

The key is thinking analyzing choosing between options (they likely expect you to call a bigger hammer spirit to undo them so think outside the small box of I need to call a bigger hammer entity to things like deflection reversal transforming things etc like say they did a Harry Potter (not real) and spelled you mute you could still do magick by thought and act even if you didn’t say abracadabra. Magick In in the mind anyway it’s not in the words. Likewise they spell John die not to perform rituals then you’d act and become in worst case scenario mage John smith and then the spell preventing your magick wouldn’t work.

BUT you can’t do it if you merely knee jerk react with the next strongest spirit. You have to think reason analyze find the options then act.

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Are you saying that I can remove the binding from entities like Michael without the use of spirits that are equal to or stronger than him?


Of course you can!

The key is you. The answer is you.

If you believe it and do a ritual it will remove the binding regardless of if you call an entity or not or how strong or weak the one you call is.

However if you doubt the ritual the magick yourself or the entity all the demons and angels in the universe will have difficulty unbinding you or doing anything for you.

That is the double edge sword of magick in a nutshell.

If you don’t put aside doubt you could call in Satan himself or Yaweh or whoever but if you doubt it won’t be effective if you expect it not to work it won’t.

And that is basically what E.A. Is saying when he says YOU are the operator you are the god. That it’s you that causes your magick to fail or succeed.

Other mages and grimoires use different words to say it but it’s all just this… You are what makes your magick work or fail or the results be delayed in manifesting

If you do it and believe it works (ritually) while doing it you could call on my little pony flutter shy or Scooby Doo and it would work (even though flutter shy doesn’t really exist ditto Scooby Doo).

The power is inside you. The ritual activates the mindset the mindset activates the result essentially. The reason we use a ritual is the action of ritual focuses you o the ritual and keeps your mind from doubting (because if you’re focused on one thing other things usually don’t distract t you from what you are focused on other things like doubts).

The only thing is it’s all you if you doubt then all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again (make it work).

Add: I’m not saying it’s easy. Getting out of your own way out of your head and discarding disbelief to do the ritual can sometimes be difficult as hell to do. Thing is that that’s what you have to do to get it to work (in this case to succeed in unbinding yourself).

Add: @Kristian do you get it now? It’s not the being or element that makes it work it’s you the operator (to use E.A.‘s term for the magickian (and if you believe someone bound you you will be stopping yourself from being unbound by giving that whoever whatever extra power by your belief in it). If you do a unbinding and believe you will be unbound if you believe you will be and it doesn’t matter who or what the other calls on your magick will prevail theirs fail by your doing and believing while doing

Add: It’s not easy to do. I get in my own way a lot. But eventually I succeed in overcoming myself my doubts and have successes (and not just in magick. Other areas where I get in my own way too. Like with chopsticks if I don’t try and think about it remember how I managed to use them and just do I succeed in using them but when I start how do I do this and doubting I end up dropping the food, dropping the chopstick or getting my fingers tangled up).

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You have so much power that they don’t want u to realize you have
but it’s why they need us ignorant and acting as a battery sheep.

Same reason God told Moses to take the staff in his hand and THEN he would do his wonders, because God needed Moses to act. We are the gates, we are the nexus and we are the manifesters

So getting a spirit to do a task all depends of the level of my own power of magick? Wonder if that’s why Dantalion failed a task I gave him some mouths ago.

That make sense. In Bardon’s second book he states the magic circle represents the operator as a god with the universe around as the four elements. Then I should be able to even command a powerful spirit Michael to remove his binding of me if it was the case.

That’s actual a question I have asked myself. I can’t figure out if my magick is weak or it’s because I do not program or direct it correctly.

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@Kristian Likely both in a way. You can’t body build to lift 500 pounds without lifting 250 first so use strengthens ability. Also if you don’t realize you can do something even if no one’s hiding the fact you can from you you’re unlikely to try to do it.

On the other hand if you believe you can sometimes even without formal lessons on how to do something you can just do it (in which case you often end up thinking or feeling like how in the hell did I know/do that)” after the fact).

Add: it’s not so much that it’s weak it’s more because that strength/endurance/success is usually incremental. Baby learns to crawl crawling baby baby learns to walk walking baby learns to run and jump then after all that has been done a trillion trillion times over they become an Olympic athlete. Sort of like the saying practice makes perfect (even though perfection doesn’t really exist). You get better by doing and repeating it. But it’s not quite like Undying.Embers suggested.

@Undying.Embers its not really a they don’t wNt you thing. Maybe once upon a time when how things are being done when the system was set up it was. Now it’s more self propagating because everyone “knows” magic isn’t real miracles don’t happen etc. They set that belief up a long time ago and now it feeds itself with every new person who buys into it. There’s no they now whoever started it has long since gone to the other side or reincarnated a billion times since then. It just self perpetuates and peoples belief feed the idea there’s a they trying to stop you. Then because you grew up hearing it said over and over by people you become the “they” that’s stopping you by buying into what you were taught and heard all your life. Like magick is fake it’s just smoke and mirrors. Do you get me?

It was probably set up that way to self sustained 4+ billion years ago when the earth was new and has circulated self perpetuating and keeping people from trying things ever since even though whoever invented it is no longer around. It’s us that become the they that stops us and doesn’t want us aware since that would throw our beliefs upside down and topsy turvy

In the end it’s like that old quote by whom ever… I have seen the enemy and he is me (or maybe its an old misquote because I’m not sure if that’s how the original went or just a popular misquote).

And: All that better with repeat reminded me of the 6 million dollar man intro (I think). We have the technology we can build him stronger faster better then before :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree with you but because I believe my definition of magic varies from what u are referring to.

I believe in my personal gnosis that we are capable of all that’s imagined and all conceivable…
Because I believe magic is science and science is magic. Aka: (magic as unexplained science but one day will be possible, and can still be possible now even if we can’t explain it yet)

Witches magicians and magic workers to alchemists we’re really our first chemists, psychologist, physicists and doctors
People like to think of magic or miracles as something unexplainable and that once it’s explained then it’s no longer a miracle.

yet I believe explaining it empowers it. Knowing what herbs heal, why certain vibrations influence out moods and success in life and our energy levels/outlook on a day to day basis

And the miracle is because your experiencing it here and now as you manifest in this reality by acknowledging it and being conscious of it.

For all I know it’s all fake and I’m a player surrounded by NPC’s but even as far as you can explain or quantify something there’s still a magic to it. Noticing patterns is just how we perceive it. Such as quantifying gravity, why light only behaves when being observed, or why all life on earth was theoretically bio processed by the sun and water.

Everything including why I’m still alive and wake up everyday with a brain more extraordinary then any microprocessor and a culmination of billions of cells and organelles that just KNOW what to do without any more motivation or cause then us quantifying it as patterns or zeros and ones won’t ruin the magic for me :wink:.

Add: in other words, during scientific explanations one can still always push further and ask why…

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I have in general problem with faith or belief. I want to know. Experiencing magical herbs heal or a talisman attract luck is wonderful but it won’t help me if I deal with a witch or magician who seeks to destroy me.

I think I do get your point. I suppose you mean that if I for instance have an amulet then it remove the curse despite it comes from a magician himself or the spirit he commanded to it. It seems the witch can surpass the magician if he is skilled in amulets and talismans, cleaning with incense etc.

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A witch is part of a religious group going back many years, although the first recorded were solitary and that’s how many still prefer to follow the craft today. Their customs tend to coincide with the seasons, which are mainly based around the suns position hence ‘Solstice’ which make up eight altogether around the year. They also respect the lunar patterns thereby performing their ‘Esbats’ in conjunction with the moons cycle.

A magician however has no religion, they just study and practice magic in whatever way they wish. Many magicians though belonging to secret orders and lodges will tend to have strict rules to follow, which I find goes against the freedom and spiritual independence of a true magician.

All this white and black nonsense stems from your basic beliefs. Do you see a law of creation taking place (God) which you must surrender to, look up to and follow its laws (White), or do you know you have the same creative powers as it allowing you to do as you want, thereby taking control of your life (Black). An easy way of putting it but you get the picture.

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