Black witch vs black magician

You have a point. So sympathetic magick is one of many forms of witchcraft.

I think he refers to the vs thing. My former mentor who was a medium told me that once the magician have evoked protection from an archangel or other godlike being there is no spirit and witchcraft that can break it. I also heard about how EA evoked Michael to bind a group of witches.

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Than IDK what to say other that’s incorrect. I knew a witch who claimed to have bound archangel Michael once after he showed up randomly in his space. Now Angels of any kinds never attempt such a thing . He is exceptionally skilled and more than a little grumpy though lol. I think for most part that it is true in most cases though.

So what were ancient witches or medieval witches like compared to to this out of curiosity?

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That sounds unlikely. Why would an archangel show up randomly? And how do he knew it was Michael?

I feel for that spirit if it was a Michael imposter :rofl::rofl::rofl: but as for archangels being binded, well :thinking: hmmm Im sure it’s possible… But if so than wouldn’t Michael just disappear off the map? What about all the other gnosis still channeling him and working with him? Are their gnosis invalid because he’s supposedly binded some where???
No I don’t quite believe it works that way in the spirit realm.
We try to use words like “binding” to give us an idea if something akin to this reality. I’m just not sure the spirit world works that way.
Just my personal gnosis and im not the absolute truth to do who knows…

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In the context of Europe, we don’t really know. That is part of why modern witchcraft is founded on ceremonial magic; its a reconstructed tradition. There is some good anthropological and ethnographical literature on the ancient and medieval practices of certain regions; Éva Pócs and Radomir Ristic have written much on Eastern European witchcraft for example. Christianity did a pretty thorough job of wiping out the early traditions, and everything they wrote about it has to be understood through their own religious, social, cultural, political, etc. lens. Folklore gives us clues, but most of it is lost.


I do not believe that there is any magical act that cannot be broken, with the right approach.

Witches can bind witches, witches can bind magicians, etc. Binding is independent of tradition. So is binding / summoning spirits.


If it is based purely on your experience, you can’t call it superior, just because you had better results, to be honest.

Just wow. Quite the low opinion on witchcraft.

I mean, comparing stuff in that way isn’t always useful. It is like saying what is the better herb? Feverfew or yarrow? Well it depends on what you’re trying to do. It is impossible to say one is better than the other and comparing is not needed at all.


From what I understand it’s quote normal for spirits including angels showing up randomly to person that perceived by the spirit as having alot of potential. Why they do this and who they show up for is something I cannot answer but it’s not unheard of.

From what I understand it’s possible to bind a portion of a spirit because when spirts show up, especially a angel, demon, or god, they are usually only projecting a portion of there consciousness into your space as opposed to the entirety. That’s what some people bind into vessels of some sort. The consciousness is still connected to the main spirit even though it’s bound. This can even be done with human spirits/souls as well although I see this a morally questionable thing to do one witch I knew loved using this technique in her spells. So when some practitioners claims to have bound particularly powerful well known entities, they are not claiming to have bound the whole entity, as that would indeed be not possible as far I know.


I have read about entities called astral parasites and they can take different shapes and pretend to be another.


I’m skeptical towards claims like that. There are so many people in the spiritual or occult community claims to be special and I believe we shall be very skeptic towards these.

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That’s a wise way to approach things. Ultimately what I look for is how competent they are in magickal field of practice of there choice along with how successful they are in life over all. Whether or not it’s true I think is something you must attempt to ascertain on your own.

Most of my family and friends who know I practice evocations and do rituals either laugh at me when I say I am a Magician/Sorcerer, but when I say I am a witch (To see if I get a different answer) they usually are scared (Say things like Devil Child and other rude things) or laugh at me as well.

Kinda sucks because even yesterday I went out shopping at IKEA with my mother and grandma, and I had mentioned the need for salt and sage for a banishing ritual and my mother instantly said “Stop doing bringing evil things into our house.”

I barely get any respect and hopefully the housing market drops and somehow I can earn 50k before it goes back up in the next 1-2 years.

You mean binding from an archangel like Michael could be broken by powerful crystals or amulets? And amulets and crystals can protect from magical attacks even from angels and demons?

I have no idea what “powerful crystals” are, but I do believe that:

  1. entities can be negotiated with
  2. entities that have been bound to a task, can be unbound
  3. there are counterforces / entities / works of power that can be stacked against other entities, including Michael
  4. you can absolutely defend yourself against attacks from angels and demons

I would not rely on crystals or talismans for any of this.


And it can only be done with the use of entities that match the powers of the angels and demons?

This reply is going to be a bit long but please read it and think on what I say in it

@Kristian Reading you I see a issue. You are stuck thinking you must meet force with more force. Expand your mind examine your thinking don’t limit yourself to meeting force with force you can keep that on the plate but a plate with only mash potatoes isn’t a full meal meeting force with force is not a complete plan.

Think of a river with a dam like the Colorado river. Did they meet the river’s forces with force? Did they punch the river with their fists to force it to do as they wanted? No. They worked around it, redirected it then built a huge ass blocking dam to stop it from going beyond a certain boundary with release I think they call them sluices to let the excess water slowly and safely bleed away.

Meeting force with force is 1 way but it isn’t always the only way.

More examples: do firemen usually fight fire by spraying fire at fire? No they use a element that is the opposite of water. Throwing fire on fire would just increase the burn in the burning building and make it burn faster hotter and harder if they did that.

People with rings stuck on their fingers try forcing it off and it stays stuck. They apply grease or oil or other lubricant and the ring slides off.

A family being home invaded could shoot at th the invaders and maybe they or their children get killed from the bad guys returned fire or from ricochet or they run to the panic room and live, or they comply and maybe live.

You need to think beyond five meets force and determine if there are better choices or if you need to do more then just force on force.

Example building a road through mountains thee you need force (explosives) to break the rocks but force alone doesn’t build the road rocks have to be removed a roadbed laid tunnel walls smoothed concrete (or asphalt) laid. The road laying doesn’t stop with the explosive force needed to create a hole to make a tunnel.

Can I make suggestions of what you should do? No not really, because I am not the one in the situation you are and what I would do might not work as well for you as it would for me.

Start thinking of the situation as a whole. Besides meeting force with force are there other options? Is for e on force alone going to be enough.

2 people throwing punches can end with 2 black eyes and nothing solved.

Give what I just said sompe thought, think about your situation more clearly. If you meet force with force will it solve things or will the other being just punch back harder? What do you do after you hit back with a bigger entity if they just call on a bigger one then you did?

Think, plan, act and have a plan for what to do if they meet your action with a similar act but just call in bigger entities. Can you redirect? Can you do the equivalent of meeting fire with water? Can you go around them and their action (divert like how they diverted the water to build the Hoover dam because concrete couldn’t set if it was poured into the river water).

Sorry I can’t be more help but when I read you I think you are too focused on meeting force with force and haven’t looked for other options and who’s to say your enemy isn’t prepared for being met with more force they might have planned if person does x this something reaction automatically kicks in in response. It’s very likely they expect force to be met with force so have you planned for what you do if they have a response to you your and your meeting force in force (bigger or equal entity stronger or bigger amulet)?

Think before reacting plan before doing it’s not always best to meet force with force (like in judo or ju jitsu where the person grabbing the other person’ has their own force used against them to throw them to the ground).

You can use force but do you also need to do other things (like the dam the sluices or using water on fire instead of fire on fire). What if they just apply more force in response to you using more force?

Sorry this was long but I really think you are limiting your options by thinking only of applying more force (a stronger entity or a stronger ritual) and wanted to remind you that’s not the only way to react to things like attacks. That and I felt a nudge to tell you this stuff and I tend to listen to my feelings (when I don’t bad shit happens for me. Like when I didn’t and ended up in a rear ender kinda bad shit. Sooo I try and follow my instincts/gut /intuition which in this case said say this stuff to you).

Black witches are born, black magicians learned it.

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So forexample if Michael have bound me I then could invoke Lucifer clean away the binding because he is the lord of air? Or using a water elemental amulet that “wash” out the binding?
A curse that made me sick and I then invoke Raphael or Marbas to heal the illness or using a crystal directed to that organ the curse have hit?