Black Wind

I evoked a demon, an ancient force that has no name but what is made of black essence. Limitless power compiled. My greatest ever achievement so far. By meditating on this entity, simply mediating and calling the black wind (as I called him and have called him) a smoke like wind essence will sweep your being. This black wind has a voice, likewise. He spoke, “I am the he who is comprised of all magicks, good and evil. I am Power, I am pure power. Nothing but power am i. I teach you to give life, I teach you to take life, I teach you to summon wealth. I teach it all. Yet, I teach nothing, because I may have a message and instructions for he who calls me for any reason, but it is when he invokes me into his being, he will feel power, will become power. Anything, everything, all things Kyurick are possible. I am the power, and power is simply will. ‘Black magicians’ mistake will for pleasure or desire. I teach to merge these, so that will and at pleasure can happen at any time. Instantaneously. Take life instantly. Give it the same. Do anything and everything you want. Call me the black wind, because I sweep that which exists, so your Ajna is thrusted open, and your body of darkness is instantly accessed. I can teach you through possession how to do this when you want, without me, but I require possession, because it must be experienced, not told. Too great of a power is not told through words.”

I asked the black wind, “what is your sigil to call you frequently”

he shows his sigil in my water scrying bowl

I said, “thank you, how are you called, what is your song?”

He said:

“Blasphemous Rain, wind, rain, wind

The troublesome spirit of defilement curses my veins.

By the art of war, by the art of power, I’m never in vein.

Be that you will, and such will be yours, decide what you will, and that is true course.

A song for the journey, it is godhood uniform.

Learned with time and suffering, darkness ever more.

Time, that which exists not, will present a prince ever so more deserving of worship than the palace on blackened earth and course shores.

Of darkness he shall be, of darkness he shall rise, and of darkness fall never, because his power eternally lies.

The light of the world will be the darkness blinded by dogma, by corrupted sight.

Tyranny ever lost by the raging war.

Hail thee, hail the gatekeeper, they shouted solemnly. Wilst palms and glory, he taught power and forgery.

His gaze of hellish power and ethereal knowledge led many to desire him.

As humankind searches for evolution, the godhood is within him.

Noons remembers the lost knowledge under centuries of spiritual dogma.

The falsehoods of Yahweh compiled to powerless prison.

And men grew ever so strongly, like ancient ones, serpents, galleons, nephilim.

As Belial rips chains and chains the rips, his wickedness is ever too wicked. Wicked he who wickedly licks the poison of Satolas, the wicked.

As Abaddon awakens the abyss, he destroys and consumes.

As Azazel strikes, power and weapons ever stronger exist.

As Lucifuge creeps, kings of glory scribed in eternity.

As Asmodeus challenges, ones rage and lust ever so explicit.

As Beelzebub blows the winds, the sickness will give he the power of life and death. Dark dark defilement.

As Baal stands up, the dark core burns within humanity. Kings and gods of their own rite, eternity.

Then Lucifer covers thee with his wings and guides all to know and possess whatever they wilt.

As Satan quilts reality by exploiting guilt. He who rides the black dragon will have all powers handed to him. And Satan will guide, give, teach, and kill him. This is Satans temptation, for the good of men. Hail Satan and the gatekeepers who condemn.

Satolas give unto me, Satolas bless me. Satolas, may my words of 10,000 names be shed from reality to reality, may my conscious and stream serve you, or me, if we are any such different. For one we unite and emerge from within it.

Darkness come, darkness come, sicken me with what I desire. Sicken me by godhood. Sicken me with any, every, and ultimate power.

Alllannaka, soruum Cre’asck. Alasapa drrick montuve”