Black Mirror Scrying - What am I doing wrongly? [+Photo]

I just watched a psychology documentary the other day that mentioned your lilac chaser illusion Succupedia. They said, the dots were not actually moving at all. That is was an illusion created by your brain because your eyes are trained to seek out movement which was one of our original primal defense mechanisms back in the cave man days to help up easily spot a predator nearby that could attack. They said it has something to do with particular patterns and color tones, that would cause your mind to assume that a certain shape, such as the lilac chaser, should be moving when it actually is not. So your mind tries to compensate for the lack of movement by creating movement that is not actually there.

Which, in my opinion, makes it easier for spirits and entities to “fill in the blanks” which our eyes sometimes can’t comprehend because of the Troxler’s Fading effect.

I actually used Lilac Chaser as a “conduit” before scrying on a mirror and it makes it less strain for the eyes, because the aftereffect of the “moving dots” disappearance when fixating on the centre makes the floating dots greenish. 30 sec - 1min scrying on the “Chaser”, leaves an “inprint” when closing your eyes and it lasts for another minute. It can give a considerable result when scrying after the Lilac Chaser scrying. Try it, and share your result? :slight_smile:

When you get the mirror to fog do you just imagine the spirit in the mirror?