Black Arts Oil In Obsession Work

Has anybody used black arts oil in an obsession working? I thought it might be helpful in weakening defenses and causing obsessive thoughts. Anybody have any thoughts or experiences with that?


I have dark arts oil that I use in baneful workings, but haven’t used it in any obsession workings. I just did an obsession jar a week ago, and the darkest oils I used, so to speak, were controlling oil and also a commanding oil. I also used come to me, lavender, and some other oils & whatnot, but I never thought to use dark arts oil.

I know it’s basically about intent, but part of me would still wonder if using the oil would cause the person to fly off the handle if they can’t have any access to the object of their obsession. I suppose if you use the oil and set your intent on the purpose of the oil, it could work the way you suggest. I’m interested in what happens if you feel comfortable posting after trying it.