Black Alchemy contradiction - Help needed with the Black Alchemy with Gatekeepers

Hi everyone,
In the book “Belial: Without a Master” it was clearly stated that the easiest and fastest way of doing the DNA change a.k.a. Black Alchemy is through working with the gatekeepers.

But it seemed like a contradiction that in the book only qliphas (Qliphoth) were talked about.

I’d like to get advice from more advanced magicians on how the sounds of silence should be used with the gatekeepers.
And even: Could all this work be done with only Belial himself, or do we have to call all of the 9?
And then how it is done? (regarding how to use the letters/sounds with them).


Page 126 The sounds of silence it tells you exactly what the purpose is and how it is done. Just fill in the blanks yourself. Experiment.

When doing what is called Belials Black alchemy, your bringing the Qliphothic spheres and energy into your being. Then releasing them.

After you have done that.
Vibrate the sounds of silence.
11 times each until all 22 sounds of silence have been vibrated. To activate/Anchor the tree of knowledge within. You don’t have to release the sounds of silence.

I personaly don’t call upon the Gatekeepers when doing this. I’m working with the qlippoth and the tunnels.