Bio tuner for theta state

Nyxifer said he got a bio tuner and set it to 7.83hz

I got a bio tuner 9 and had my first session. I set it to 7.83hz mode 6.

I didn’t feel anything except the electric shock and I was also trying to open up sastans sigil with no luck.

Is there a proper way to use this bio tuner to work with spirits?


I put this in the Tech category. FYI, there is one :wink:

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Try 6.75Hz

I have the Brain Tuner 7, an earlier version of the Bio Tuner 9 (which I haven’t used but should have a similar effect).

As far as use, I turn the intensity up until I get that electrical feeling on my earlobes, then I decrease it just slightly so it’s not overly distracting. Get into a routine of using it daily (but no more than 20-30 mins per session). I didn’t notice effects right away but over repeated use and in tandem with hypnotic self-relaxation I definitely felt a boost to the TGS state.

Again I would recommend Zoe7’s book Into the Void as he goes into extreme detail about CES devices (including the Brain Tuner) and advice for getting into these kinds of states, although he doesn’t use the same terminology as EA.


Also I’d just like to point out that there really is no instantaneous magic button/device/method that will bring you into these states and allow you to perceive spirits with absolutely zero effort on your part. It takes time, dedication and persistence to train your brain into the desired mental states (unless you happen to be naturally psychic or use visionary drugs which have their own separate issues). Hell, even the instruction manual for my BT-7 says it may take up to 30 days to start noticing effects, although with me it was more like a couple weeks.

I do think CES devices can help just like binaural beats can, but I originally figured out how to get into the TGS without using any machines and the key to it (at least in my own initial experience) was relaxation. You need to be absolutely relaxed–so relaxed that it feels like your body is falling asleep and you’re on that hypnagogic border between waking reality and dreams. Practice this along with a daily Brain Tuner session and you’ll get there. :+1:


these are the frequencies of the 6 modes

MODE 1-3 (550 uS pulse width)
Mode 1: 1,000 Hz modulated by 111.11 Hz,
Output = Continuous
Mode 2: 1,000 Hz modulated by 111.11 Hz,
Output = 1 Second ON, 1 Second OFF (0.5 Hz)
Mode 3: 1,000 Hz modulated by 111.11 Hz,
Output = Amplitude Modulated by 7.83 Hz Schumann (Earth) Sine Wave
MODE 4-6 (220 uS pulse width)
Mode 4: 1,000 Hz modulated by 111.11 Hz,
Output = Continuous
Mode 5: 1,000 Hz modulated by 111.11 Hz,
Output = 1 Second ON, 1 Second OFF (0.5 Hz)
Mode 6: 1,000 Hz modulated by 111.11 Hz,
Output = Amplitude Modulated by 7.83 Hz Schumann (Earth) Sine Wave


It’d be interesting to try lower frequencies in the theta range for sure. This is what Bob Beck (the inventor of the Brain Tuner) says about the 7.83 Hz frequency:


It is both interesting and fascinating to see it articulated in a manner that speaks to the why. 6.75Hz is what majority of sound modalities use for theta state but Bob Becks’ work is obviously not just for that. Im big on sound in general, this might serve as a missing link for my work :face_with_monocle: Thanks for this :muscle::ok_hand: