Binding Entities to an object?

Is it safe to ask for help from a Demon, Angel, Fae, Entity or God if it was bound to an object for the purpose of asking for guidance or manifestation?

I am new to requesting help using rituals or even possibly using objects with Entities bound to them and don’t want to do anything dangerous.

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I think @Anziel_Merkaba has a few journals discussing “binding” well-known entities to an object… or rather, imbuing the object with their strength.

Depending on your personal paradigm, you might have better or worse results. Like, you might have a bad time if you try and forcefully bind the spirit of a god into a crystal or something. But if you had their consent to imbue the object with their power, that might be a better way to go about it.

If you’re referring to purchasing objects online which the seller claims to have bound an entity to, I would be very wary, and read a lot of reviews, before proceeding. At best it’ll be legit and the spirit will be kind and helpful. At worst it’ll be a scam, or you’ll end up with a weak thoughtform or parasite with no power to help you.

Just my opinion though, do whatever feels right for you :slight_smile:


Please use the search function.

If you’re looking for a book, S. Connolly’s Spirit Keeping and Spirit Vessels is her way of doing it. I read it a few years ago and still do from time to time.

You should consider using petitions and working on your senses. It doesn’t matter if they are bound (which doesn’t mean they’re a genie stuck in something), if you can’t communicate with them. You also won’t know if you have the right entity.

There is another way that will work over time. An altar or item dedicated to a spirit can house an essence of that spirit and make it easier to commune with them. Similar to the Santa Muerte altars where people leave devotional gifts, make prayers, petitions, etc… You’ll still need to work on your senses to get better communication than using a pendulum or similar.


Yes but it’s easier if you follow the hints. For example in goetia Orobas look for a statue of a healthy stallion, Valak for a big powerful serpent… The goetia have their favorite creatures so it will be less effort to create a link between them. Of course take care of them and hide them from the profane.

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You don’t really need to “bind” them to anything. However, you can evoke them into an object, I find that it’s even possible to project into objects and often times said objects have their own little pocket space within them.

Or you can simply invoke the entity’s energy into the object to use as a means of direct contact with them such as many shrines act as.


Those were more binding the spirits to myself than to the object, but similar process. Although my bindings were atypical to what most people will experience.

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Thanks everyone. I have used candle magick and manifesting, but never thought about asking for help from anyone else. I have asked Guardian Angel’s for help every so often and that’s about it.

I never even considered anything else.
I stumbled onto all of this because of a video of JS Garrett that I watched and became interested.

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how’d that work out for you altogether

feel a difference physically and spiritually, life-changing?

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the point of binding something to a object is so that you can gain it’s energy by wearing or using said object, i have my main familier bound to my feet, i invoke it by doing a certain movement with my feet while rattling, tattoos on the soles of my feet is what it’s bound by, i shapeshift into this before any magickal working. i also have another familier bound to my rattle through carvings on the handle, it’s equal to my main but more for scrying.


Overall it went well. It was simultaneously life-changing and like nothing changed at all. If you want I can PM you the links to some of the operations I did.

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