I am very fond of this author. I am very interested in astrology and manifestation of the Qliphothic spheres channeled through astrology. How can I buy this Book: Qliphothic astrology by Bill Duvendack through Balg ASAP?
It’s released on the 16th of July. You can grab it from becomealivinggod.com
It seems interesting I agree.
That’s totally cool
Looking forward to this, when I can afford my next book buy.
Will it be available on Amazon as well ?
Not sure if it will be on Amazon. We will have to wait until the 16th to find out.
Seriously me too. I was trying to find my astrological demons after a great 30 day run with Belial last fall. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t find any info. Then I join Balg and poof. Just gotta wait till funds are in the account, so it’s not super awkward at checkout…
I have absolutely no interest in astrology, but, it’s always good to have some knowledge of other areas of magic. I just need to see what I can actually accomplish using it.
Within 2 minutes of starting to read my copy of QA I can see that the editing is total crap. BALG should dump Donaghue immediately. Totally reckless nonsense pretending Donaghue is an editor.